Giving Is Contagious

In the early 1980s, Dallas resident Den Helfman spent Sunday mornings volunteering with the kids at the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children (TSRHC). It was at a time in his life, he says, when it did him as much good as the children. As years passed, and Helfman's business -- the upscale men's clothing store called Ken's Man's Shop -- continued to prosper, he found new ways to support the hospital. After a successful toy drive one Christmas, he decided this past year to sponsor a book drive for TSRHC patients. The hospital's children's library was in great need of books, and Helfman came to the rescue.

Helfman approached his neighboring store, Borders Books and Music, for their participation. And so the project began: Borders would discount every book purchased for the hospital by 25 percent. Through the initial interest and perseverance of this one man, the hospital's patients gained more than 500 books and enough funds to purchase a set of encyclopedias for the library.

Holiday Season "Pin Money"
This story is a year old, but its message is eternal. The Brethren of Paisley Lodge No. 86, Summer Lake, Oregon, approached the 1995 holiday season finding themselves unable to maintain their charter. Merging with Lakeview Lodge No. 71, Lakeview, Oregon, solved one issue since, after all, Lakeview sponsored them in 1886. Also, proper disposition of Paisley Lodge's furniture was resolved. But what to do with the Lodge treasury?

In keeping with the holiday season and with Freemasonry's fundamental principle of charity, the Brethren of Paisley Lodge voted to establish a permanent line-item fund for the purchase of personal items for the members of Oregon's Masonic and Eastern Star Home. On November 21, 1995, with the acceptance by the Home of a check in the amount of $82,855, the Brethren of Paisley Lodge No. 86 saw "pin money" for the Home secured for this and all holiday seasons.

The above is based on an article, "And the Greatest of These Is Charity," written by Daniel L. Jensen, 32, K.C.C.H., Worshipful Grand Orator, Grand Lodge of Oregon, as published in the December 1995 Oregon Masonic News.

University Of Iowa Honors Scottish Rite
Cutting the ribbon at a ceremony renaming the University of Iowa's Alzheimer's clinic as the Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation Alzheimer's Clinic are (l. to r.): R. Edward Howell, CEO and Director, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics; Illustrious Harry S. Barrows, 33°, S.G.I.G. in Iowa; Ill. Charles C. Howard, 33°, President of the Iowa Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation; and Dr. Antonio R. Damasio, MD, Van Allen Professor and Head of the Department of Neurology. 

In recognition of the significant support the 10,000 Scottish Rite Masons in Iowa have given to Alzheimer's research and treatment, the University of Iowa recently renamed its Alzheimer's clinic the Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation Alzheimer's Clinic. Ill. Harry S. Barrows, 33, S.G.I.G. in Iowa, and Ill. Charles C. Howard, 33, President of the Iowa Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation, participated in cutting the ribbon to open the facility. Also, an exhibition case of awards and certificates in a main reception area honors the Scottish Rite's support of the university's work to understand and cure Alzheimer's disease.

Theatre Of The Fraternity
Illustrious Ray L. Bunnell, 33, Treasure, Scottish Rite Research Society, Presents the first copy of Theatre of the Fraternity to Grand Commander C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33. 

Theatre of the Fraternity, Staging the Ritual Space of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, 1896-1929, one of the most important and attractive Masonic books in years, is now off the press and offered at a discount price to members of the Scottish Rite Research Society and other Masons. The color-illustrated, book (9" X 12"; softbound, 128 pp., with a portfolio of six color prints suitable for framing) is published by the Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, Univ. of Minnesota. Available in bookstores at $55.00 per copy (commercial sales do not include the portfolio), Research Society members can obtain copies for $30.00, plus $2.50 S/H. Masons who are not members of the Research Society can order the book, including its portfolio of prints, for $35.00, plus $2.50 S/H. Others may purchase the book from the Scottish Rite Research Society for $55.00, plus $2.50 S/H.

To order the book and become a member of the Research Society (and be eligible for the discount noted above) at a special 1996 annual membership fee of only $20.00 (individuals only), send checks to: Scottish Rite Research Society, 1733 16th St., NW, Washington, DC 20009-3103. (Membership + book & portfolio comes to $50.00.) Aside from the opportunity to order Theatre of the Fraternity at a bargain price, as a 1996 member you will receive (1) a free copy of the entertaining anecdotal biography by Ill. Jim Tresner, 33, titled Albert Pike, The Man Beyond the Monument immediately (2) in mid-1997 a hardbound, custom-covered copy of Heredom, a collection of research papers written by Society members during 1996, and (3) quarterly copies of the society's newsletter, The Plumbline.

As an article in the November Journal noted, Scottish Rite Research Society membership is a blue chip investment and a wonderful gift to yourself or for a Brother Mason.

Illustrious H. Lester Long, Jr., 33

"This Brother lived and died a Mason." With these simple, yet eloquent, words, Ill. Carroll F. Ireland, 33, closed his eulogy for Ill. Henry Lester Long, Jr., 33, Past Deputy of the Supreme Council for the Orient of Maryland, who passed away on September 6, 1996, after a short illness.

Ill. Long was born near Ellicott City, Maryland, on June 26, 1922, and attended the University of Maryland before enlisting in the Army Air Corps in 1942. He flew 24 missions over enemy territory during World War II and was awarded many medals including the Distinguished Flying Cross.

During his 35-year career with the Federal Government, he served as Postmaster of Ellicott City and innovated cluster mailboxes, a concept that spread nationally. Active in many religious, social, and civic organizations, such as the Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City, Ill. Long's most dedicated service was given to Freemasonry. Raised a Master Mason in Patmos Lodge No. 70 in 1945, he served as its Master and Secretary. He became a 32 Scottish Rite Mason in 1961 and was active in the Degree work of the Valley of Baltimore, serving as Degree Coordinator, Venerable Master, Wise Master, and member of the Valley's Special Events Committee and S.G.I.G. Advisory Conference.

In recognition of his ability and service, he was invested with the K.C.C.H. in 1969, appointed Secretary-Registrar of the Baltimore Bodies in 1981, coroneted a 33 I.G.H. in 1975, and appointed as Deputy of The Supreme Council for the Orient of Maryland on January 1, 1990, serving until the appointment as Deputy of the present S.G.I.G. in Maryland, Bernard E. Rothman, 33. He was also a member of the Royal Order of Scotland and Boumi Shrine Temple.

The entire Masonic community will miss the dedication and example of this outstanding Brother.

George Washington University Scholars Visit Temple

On October 8, 1996, Grand Commander C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33, hosted a special luncheon honoring The George Washington University (GWU) Scottish Rite Scholars at the House of the Temple in Washington, DC. The 18 students attending ranged from freshmen to graduate students and are pursuing a variety of curriculums, including courses relevant to Childhood Language Disorders. Scholarships are $10,000 toward tuition, up to $40,000 for four years for full-time students. At present there are 28 undergraduate and 11 postgraduate students attending GWU on Scottish Rite Scholarships.

Dr. Stephen J. Trachtenberg, 33, President of GWU, also attended the luncheon along with three university advisors and staff members. He praised the longterm and growing commitment of the Scottish Rite to the university's scholarship program and thanked Grand Commander Kleinknecht for his personal involvement in expanding this important service to American education.

Among the House of the Temple staff attending were Ill. Bros. W. Gene Sizemore, G.C., Grand Executive Director; Dr. William L. Fox, Grand Archivist/Historian; Ray L. Bunnell, Superintendent of the House of the Temple; and Russell M. Stogsdill, former Superintendent, who also took photographs. Adelaide Cross, former Supervisor, Data Processing Department, prepared a delicious barbecue luncheon complete with all the trimmings.

DC Patriotic Program
On October 12, 1996, the Scottish Rite of Washington, DC, offered a delightful salute to America attended by nearly 300 Brethren, their ladies, and families. Recognizing the role of teachers in strengthening our nation, the awards portion of the program began by honoring several notable local educators and students. For the fourth consecutive year, an outstanding member of the District of Columbia's public school system was successfully nominated by the Valley to receive the prestigious George Washington Medal from Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Ill. Lon W. Weber, 33, Senior Vice President of Freedoms Foundation, presented the medal to Patricia Ann Goodnight who thanked the Scottish Rite for its long-standing dedication to and support of superior public schools.

Ill. Charles S. Iversen, 33, S.G. I.G. in Washington, DC, and host of the evening's festivities, then introduced 10 of the 20 Scottish Rite Foundation Scholarship Recipients for 1996. Each expressed gratitude for the financial support which has helped them continue their undergraduate or graduate studies in a wide variety of fields. Similarly, Dr. Tommie Robinson, Director of the Scottish Rite Center for Childhood Language Disorders in the District of Columbia, thanked the Brethren for their continued assistance saying, "Because of you, our Center has benefited over 600 families in the last year, established a Summer Fluency Program for more than 30 children, and become a 'flagship' of Masonic philanthropy revered by clinicians and other Scottish Rite members throughout the United States."

Typical of such local support, Bro. Eldon J. Brown, 32, K.C. C.H., presented Inspector Iversen with a check in support of the Center from Singleton-Hope-Lebanon Lodge No. 7, F.A.A.M., District of Columbia, which he serves as Secretary.

Pausing before the start of the musical portion of the evening, Ill. Iversen introduced several distinguished Brethren. Among them were: Ill. Bros. C. Fred Kleinknecht, Sovereign Grand Commander; W. Gene Sizemore, G.C., Grand Executive Director; John W. Boettjer, G.C., Managing Editor, Scottish Rite Journal; and Marvin E. Fowler, 33, G.C., "Mr. Masonry" in the District because of the many, many offices he had excelled in during well over a half-century as a Freemason. That evening happened to be Brother Fowler's 92nd birthday, and everyone joined in a rousing chorus of "Happy Birthday" to salute this remarkable Brother.

As described in an attractive flag-decorated program, the latter half of this "Evening with the American Musical" consisted of four excellent vocalists, assisted by a pianist, presenting selections from the Broadway hits of Rogers and Hammerstein, ending with "God Bless America" by Bro. Irving Berlin. All-American refreshments served on tables decorated with red-white-and-blue bunting closed the inspirational evening on a patriotic note that will be long remembered.

Virginia Conference Accents Masonry's Strengths
The 72nd Annual Meeting of the Scottish Rite Conference of Virginia took place in Lynchburg, Virginia, on October 4 and 5, 1996, at the Holiday Inn Select in downtown Lynchburg. A dynamic program led by Ill. William A. Robertson, Sr., 33, 1996 President of the Conference, accented our Order's progress in the Old Dominion State and directions for Scottish Rite Freemasonry's success in upcoming years.

Eight Past Grand Masters of Virginia attended in addition to M.W. James B. Wilkinson, 33, Grand Master of Masons in Virginia and Orient Personal Representative. Other outstanding leaders present were: Ill. David Kruger, S.G.I.G. in Virginia, Grand Secretary General, and Honorary Chairman of the 72nd Annual Meeting; Ill. C. B. Hall, 33, S.G.I.G. in West Virginia; Bro. Moody C. DeVaux, 32, Potentate of Kazim Temple, Roanoke; Bro. Howard K. Smith, Sr., 32, K.C.C.H., Executive Officer of DeMolay in Virginia; Ill. John W. Boettjer, 33, G.C., Managing Editor, the Scottish Rite Journal; and Bro. Charles W. Bennett, 32, Chief of Police, Lynchburg, Virginia, who was the guest speaker at the Gala Banquet on Saturday, October 4.

The conference began Friday afternoon with a series of productive committee meetings: Education/Americanism, Bro. Lonnie L. Godfrey, 32, K.C.C.H.; Membership, Bro. Jeffrey S. Adler, 32; Secretaries, Ill. Robert E. Wilmouth, 33; Scottish Rite Foundation, Ill. J. Robert Denny, Jr., 33; Youth, Bro. Orville L. Lindsey, 32; Closer Relations, Bro. Allen M. Angel, 32, K.C. C.H.; Publications, Bro. Jack L. Kegley, 32, K.C.C.H.; Nominations, Ill. Donald E. Reynolds, 33; and Resolutions, Bro. Hershel Fortney, 32, K.C.C.H. The Conference President and Vice Presidents from the other seven Valleys also met as a group as did the Orient Personal Representatives and the S.G.I.G.

A delicious banquet that evening was highlighted by a medley of nostalgic vocal selections from World War II sung by Peggy B. Bosworth. In addition, representatives of the Scottish Rite Childhood Language Disorders Programs at James Madison University (JMU), Old Dominion, and Radford University gave moving accounts of their clinical experiences in the Scottish Rite's five clinics or programs in Virginia.

The following morning, the conference opened with an eloquent invocation by Ill. Bros. W. Laybon Booth, Jr.; a necrology service by Claude L. Hoskins; and an introduction of distinguished guests by David Kruger. Each guest briefly addressed the conference and shared his thoughts on the occasion while congratulating the Virginia Brethren on their outstanding work for Freemasonry and the Scottish Rite.

Interesting reports were then given by representatives of each of Virginia's eight Valleys; by several Scottish Rite Fellowship recipients; and by Ill. Mark Fravel, 33, Orient Chairman, Education and Americanism Committee. Following lunch offered to conference participants in several of the hospitality rooms hosted by individual Valleys, the Board of Directors, Scottish Rite Foundation of Virginia, met while others attending the conference had a free afternoon to enjoy the brisk fall weather and visit local points of interest. A ladies program, for instance, provided a tour of historic Poplar Forest, Thomas Jefferson's rural retreat near Lynchburg, and a delightful luncheon at a local club.

That evening, Bro. Charles W. Bennett, 32, Chief of Police in Lynchburg, was the guest speaker at an elegant banquet attended by over 150 Brethren and their wives. Chief Bennett's dynamic address pointed out how the Scottish Rite can play a pivotal role in local communities by representing values traditional to Freemasonry. Our Craft's respect for others, longterm commitment to societal and personal improvement, and stress on personal accountability are the principles, Brother Bennett stressed, that our society needs today and that Freemasonry can provide.

Congratulations to all the Virginia Brethren for the accomplishments and inspiration of the 1996 Scottish Rite Conference of Virginia!

Nebraska Cornerstone Laying
The Gerald R. Ford Conservation Center in Omaha, Nebraska, was the site of a Masonic cornerstone laying on Sunday, July 28, 1996. The ceremony was performed by the officers of the Grand Lodge, A.F.&A.M., of Nebraska, in conjunction with the Nebraska Historical Society dedication of the Center.

Several Masonic groups participated. George W. Lininger Lodge No. 268, Omaha, was the host Lodge. Mt. Calvary Commandery No. 1, K.T., Omaha, led the procession, while Omaha's Tangier Shrine Legion of Honor presented the colors and the Tangier Shrine Band provided music. Ill. Warren D. Lichty, 33, S.G.I.G. in Nebraska; retired U.S. Senator from Nebraska, Ill. Carl T. Curtis, 33; Omaha Mayor Hal Daub, 33; and Ill. Robert A. Falk, 33, Personal Representative of the S.G.I.G. in Omaha, were among the 200 persons in attendance.

The Center, located adjacent to the Gerald R. Ford Birthsite and Garden, was made possible by a generous donation by the late Ill. James M. Paxson, 33, of Omaha, a dedicated Mason and philanthropist. The Center's mission is to conserve the material, historical, cultural, and educational collections in the State of Nebraska and surrounding areas through preservation activities and the conservation treatment of objects, paper and archive materials, and textiles. The Center has a public meeting hall, a permanent exhibit gallery and preservation laboratories, all dedicated to former President Gerald R. Ford, 33.

The cornerstone, prominently displayed near the Center's main entrance, is inscribed, "In Tribute to James M. Paxson, 33 & Gerald R. Ford, 33, G.C. Laid by the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Nebraska. July 28, A.D. 1996, A.L. 5996."

A Dream Come True
On August 17, 1996, in Billings, Montana, a dream came true with the dedication of the Eugene F. Herman Scottish Rite Childhood Language Disorders Clinic. The festive ceremony was conducted by Ill. Jack D. Rehberg, 33, S.G. I.G. in Montana, who also introduced the many distinguished guests. Among them were M.W. Lorrie A. Peterson, 33, Grand Master of Masons in Montana, officers of the Grand Lodge of Montana, and members of The Supreme Council, 33, specifically Ill. Bros. Daniel F. Levenduski, S.G.I.G. in Minnesota; William R. Miller, 33, S.G.I.G. in Washington; and Curtis N. Lancaster, S.G. I.G. in Utah. Ill. Lancaster addressed the assemblage and conveyed the congratulations of Gr. Cmdr. C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33, to all who made this great event possible.

Other notable Brethren participating were Bro. Michael Brown, 32, K.C.C.H., who directed the AlBedoo Shrine Band; Bro. Clinton Frank, 32, K.C.C.H., Venerable Master, Lodge of Perfection, Valley of Billings, who opened the dedication program; and Nancy J. M. Rice, Clinic Director, who thanked everyone for their support of the clinic, one of the latest in our Order's network of 115 clinics, centers, and programs across the Southern Jurisdiction.

An elegant program provided a history of the development of the clinic and a tribute to Bro. Eugene F. Herman, 32, uncle of Patricia Rehberg, wife of Inspector Rehberg. A Scottish Rite Mason in Billings since 1952, Bro. Herman contributed over $500,000 to the Billings Valley before his passing, thus making it possible for the Valley to initiate establishment of the clinic. Aside from naming the new clinic in Bro. Herman's honor, he will be recognized by a memorial plaque in the House of the Temple in Washington, DC.

UVA Hosts Art Exhibit In House Of The Temple
In conjunction with the Development Office of the University of Virginia (UVA), Charles T. Matheson hosted an art exhibit/fundraiser at the House of the Temple on the evening of October 10, 1996. Arranged through Sandra Fennell, Curator/Assistant Librarian of The Supreme Council, 33, the event is typical of the type of appropriate and high public profile every Masonic Temple should undertake to establish or sustain regarding positive involvement in its local community.

The purpose of the exhibit was to raise funds to restore the University of Virginia buildings which were part of Thomas Jefferson's original "Academical Village" in Charlottesville, Virginia. These consist of a colonnade connecting ten pavilions, originally faculty residences and teaching rooms, surrounding the UVA Lawn. To date, five buildings of Jefferson's original design have been restored, and the next specific target for restoration is the pavilion for which Masons laid the cornerstone on October 6, 1817.

Jefferson, though not proved to be a Mason, demonstrated his respect for the Craft by participating in this cornerstone ceremony. As General John Hartwell Cocke wrote in his diary entry describing the event: "As soon as the Grand Master in the Masonic procession passed, the 6 Visitors in two ranks followed -- the first rank composed of Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Monroe...."

Approximately 130 people attended the exhibit's catered reception in the House of the Temple, and Mr. Charles T. Matheson, whose beautiful original oil paintings, watercolors and prints were on exhibit, spoke briefly of his art, his admiration for the ongoing architectural restoration of Jefferson's buildings at UVA, and his own family's Masonic ties.

His grandfather, Charles Hook Tompkins, 32, was among the 30 members of a Scottish Rite Class, Valley of the District of Columbia, on February 26, 1929. In addition, his firm, the Charles H. Tompkins Construction Company, was one of the builders of the present Scottish Rite Temple at 2800 16th Street, NW, in our nation's capital. Also, Mr. Matheson's son is a Mason in New York State. In closing his comments, Mr. Matheson thanked Ms. Fennell and everyone at the Temple for "being the most gracious and cooperative people possible" regarding planning the exhibit and arranging the reception.

Flood Victims In Puerto Rico

According to recent reports from Ill. Joseph L. Martinez, 33, Deputy in Puerto Rico, and Bro. Luis Garcia-Lopez, 32, K.C. C.H., Secretary of the Valley of San Juan, residents of the east coast of the island, including the towns of Guyama and Patillas, were hard hit by the flood resulting from Hurricane Hortense.

To assist these unfortunate victims who have lost household possessions due to twenty inches of rain, donations will be gratefully accepted from local Almoner's funds, Valley funds, and/or personal funds. All donations, made out to the Scottish Rite Foundation, S.J., U.S.A., Inc. (1733 16th St., NW, Washington, DC 20009-3103), will be forwarded to Deputy Martinez who will disburse the funds through his local foundation to Masons and non-Masons alike where the need is greatest. A donation of any size would help recovery efforts in Puerto Rico.