Americans were believed to be troublesome, and nobody wanted to take us in. As the ship's Captain, I was desperate to find a solution. Then, I spotted a building on the town square with a Royal Arch emblem. Soon I had the name of the Worshipful Master of the Lodge, Neal Beaton. When I found his home and he came to the door, he was hostile.
His opening remark was, "So, you're one of the Americans." No handshake, no friendly voice, no welcome, nothing. However, once I established myself as a Mason, within an hour, every American seaman had a warm room, shower, food, and medical attention.
The whole village turned to us with an outpouring of love and affection. It was simply amazing what Masonry accomplished by means of the local Lodge and the action of two Master Masons.
Illustrious Robert Mac Alvanah, 33
Valley of Fort Myers, Florida