District Of Columbia Mason Among Hostages In Lima, Peru
To many, terrorism
is something that happens to others in places far away. Unfortunately,
however, terrorism continues to increase and may touch any of us at any
moment. The December 17, 1996, violent occupation by terrorists of the
residence of the Japanese ambassador in Lima, Peru, brought this point
home to the Brethren of Albert Pike Lodge No. 33 and the Valley of the
District of Columbia.
Luis Alejandro Giampietri, 32
One of their Brothers, Luis A. Giampietri, 32, a dual member from Salud, Fuerza, Union Lodge No. 69 of Lima, was among the original captives and was, as of January 30, still held hostage along with 71 other victims, including Japanese Ambassador Morihisha Aoki and the brother of Alberto Fujimori, President of Peru.
Admiral Giampietri petitioned Scottish Rite membership while serving as a member of the Peruvian delegation to the Inter-American Defense Board in Washington and became a member of the 1989 Spring Reunion Class. Given the cosmopolitan character of the capital city, Albert Pike Lodge and the Valley of the District of Columbia are benefited by the participation of many international Brethren who wish to maintain their Masonic activity in Washington, DC, while on diplomatic duty for their countries.
Though Néstor Cerpa Cartolini, leader of the so-called "Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement," which is held responsible by the Peruvian government for over 10,000 terrorist acts, recently declared "We are in no rush" to release the hostages, Peruvian officials and security experts continue to seek a quick and peaceful resolution.
The Supreme Council has forwarded a $5,000 relief donation, and donations of any size from Almoner's funds, Valley funds, and/or personal funds would help these unfortunate victims in their recovery efforts. Please send checks, indicating they are for flood/storm relief, to the Scottish Rite Foundation, S.J., U.S.A., Inc. 1733 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009. All donations will be forwarded, on a proportional basis, to our Active Members for distribution in Orients where the need is greatest. Thank you for your generous response!
With dispensation from the Grand Master of South Carolina, M.W. Robert V. Pinkston, 32, K.C.C.H., Brethren brought Degree work to 26 residents of the Richard Campbell Veterans Administration Hospital in Anderson, South Carolina.
Before cutting a specially decorated cake, Ill. Breuning shared his thoughts about his 71 years as a Mason and 59 as a Scottish Rite Brother. "Life is not measured," he said, "in hours or days, but rather by what we have done. This is the day that life begins—today."
Illustrious Breuning cuts 100th birthday cake.
Ill. Breuning was born in Minnesota and went to work for the Great Northern Railway in 1913, retiring in 1963 after 50 years of service. He joined Great Falls Lodge No. 118 in 1925 and served as its Master in 1934. When he was charged with arranging a meeting of the Grand Lodge of Montana, he was given just $250 to cover expenses!
In 1944, he was elected Secretary of his Lodge and served for 25 years until forced to retire from this post because of failing eyesight. After petitioning the Scottish Rite in 1937, Ill. Breuning became Director of Work of the Valley of Great Falls. He insisted on effective performance of the ritual and worked to change several communicated Degrees to dramatic presentations. In recognition of this and his many other services to our Order, he was honored with the K.C.C.H. in 1948, served as Venerable Master in 1950, and was coroneted a 33 I.G.H. in 1957.
In 1968, as a member of the Building Committee, he took proper pride in seeing the present Great Falls Scottish Rite Building completed debt free. More recently, during the spring 1995 session of the DeMolay International Supreme Council, he was named to receive the DeMolay Legion of Honor in addition to the many other honors he has merited in the Royal Order of Scotland, Royal Order of Jesters, and other Masonic organizations.
Congratulations, Ill. Breuning, on a century of outstanding service and accomplishment!
After service
in the U.S. Air Force as a pilot in WW II, Bro. Weaver received a Doctorate
in Pharmacology from the University of Utah in 1953 and practiced community
pharmacy in Iowa and Utah before devoting 13 years in the areas of research
and administration for the Pitman-Moore Co., a division of Allied Laboratories
and Dow Chemical Company. He also served as Dean, College of Pharmacy,
and as Professor, Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, UM, from
1966 to 1984 before being named Interim Dean, College of Pharmacy, UM,
Brother Lawrence C. Weaver, 32
Other highlights of Bro. Weaver's distinguished career include: Vice President, Professional Relations, Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, and Executive Director for the PMA Commission on Drugs for Rare Diseases and for the Society for Chronic Diseases. In addition, aside from his leadership in several professional and government organizations associated with health and higher education worldwide, especially in Saudi Arabia and Malaysia, Bro. Weaver has served on numerous public organizations locally and domestically and has received many honors, including the Remington Honor Medal of the American Pharmaceutical Association Foundation.
Congratulations to this outstanding Mason and Scottish Rite Brother!
The selections for the scholarships were based on scholastic record, financial need, and Rainbow service. They are intended to make a significant contribution to a graduating senior who can demonstrate she will be a good student in the degree program she selects and will, at all times, be a good representative of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls. Applicants were subject to rigorous review and thoughtful evaluation. In 1996, the selection committees were faced with a rugged task because of the number of truly qualified and needy applicants. These three recipients were selected because of their superb qualifications, extraordinary Rainbow service, and well-defined financial need.
Pictured at the
recent Grand Assembly Session Held in Houston, Texas, are (l. to r.): Mrs.
Shirley Ferguson, Grand Committee, The Lela and Roy Jones Scholarship Fund;
Miss Lynda Matthews, Melrose Assembly No. 167, Houston; Miss Sharon Henss,
Fort Worth Assembly; Miss Marlene Dibrell, Grand Committee, The Victor
C. and Martha Marie Whitfield Scholarship Fund and the W. Mark Sexson Loan
The Victor C. and Martha Marie Whitfield Scholarship was established
to honor the Whitfields for their many years of Rainbow service. Victor
Whitfield, 32, and his wife, Martha Marie, began their active service to
Rainbow in 1942. Mrs. Whitfield was Supreme Worthy Associate Advisor at
the time of her death in 1989. The Lela and Roy Jones Scholarship was established
to honor Roy Jones, 32, and his wife Lela for their many years of service
to Rainbow. The Past Grand Officers established their scholarship to honor
Mrs. Pearl Mills, Supreme Drill Leader and Supreme Inspector in Texas.
Flag Day Proclamations by Ill. Robert L. Goldsmith, 33, S.G. I.G. in Florida, the Mayor of Pensacola, and the Chairman of the Escambia County Board of Commissioners were read. Musical entertainment was provided by the "Rosie O'Grady Gang" of local Seville Quarter fame.
The following organizations participated in the pre-ceremony "Massing
of the Colors": Pensacola Scottish Rite K.C.C.H. Honor Guard, an all-service
military honor guard from Corry Station, York Rite Commandry, Knights of
Columbus Color Guard, Pensacola Elks Lodge No. 497, Hadji Shrine Temple
Legion of Honor, Heroes of '76, National Sojourners, Inc., Pensacola Police
Cadets, Girl Scouts, Daughters of the American Revolution, the Pensacola
Fire Department, and others.
On September 12–13, 1996, dressed in their Sesostris Shrine Klown suits,
"Sappy and Pops" maneuvered their unique float to enthusiastic applause
along the route of the Richardson County Free Fair Parade, Humboldt, Nebraska.
Their fine work is an example of what two creative, dedicated Brothers
can do to promote our Craft and Masonic unity. Congratulations, Brethren!
Scottish Rite and York Rite classes, respectively, received 20 and 22 new members. Also, Brethren of the Afifi Shrine Temple Clown Unit and several DeMolays contributed to the success of the occasion as did the Squires who served an impressive fellowship dinner.
Highlights of the dinner were comments by Bro. John B. Stitt, 32, K.C.C.H., who sketched the first 25 years of the Vancouver Valley; Ill. Richard Kingsberry, 33, P.H.A., who thanked all the Brethren for their outstanding progress in uniting Prince Hall Masons into the true fellowship of Masons throughout the world; and Maxine Sullivan who, with her son, Bro. Russ Sullivan, E.A., received the 32 hat of her dear husband, Bro. Thomas U. Sullivan, 32, who had been working on the event before his untimely death.
Ill. Robert H. Beck, 33, Personal Representative, Vancouver Valley,
expresses his thanks to every Brother attending for making this such a
rewarding and memorable moment in the history of Freemasonry in Washington
State as well as an example of the Masonic Family working together for
the benefit of all.
District of Columbia-Washington, DC May 16, 17
Florida-Tampa May 3, Tallahassee March 8 and 15
Iowa-Sioux City March 7, 8, 14 and 15
Kansas-Topeka April 12
Minnesota-Rochester March 1, 15, and April 5
North Carolina-Asheville April 4 and 5, Charlotte May 8 and 9, Greensboro
April 11 and 12, Raleigh April 11 and 12, Wilmington March 20, 21, and
22, (Summer, August 1 and 2),Winston-Salem March 22 and April 5
Texas-Dallas March 1, 15 and April 5
Virginia-Alexandria April 19 and 26