The Supreme Council Supports Grand Masters Conference
As a show of their support, Ill. Bros. C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33, Sov. Gr. Cmdr., W. Gene Sizemore, G.C., Grand Executive Director, and many members of The Supreme Council, 33, attended the Grand Masters Conference meeting in Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 14-20, 1997. Pictured at the conference are: (l. to r., seated) Ill. Bros. Sam E. Hilburn, Texas; W. Gene Sizemore; H. Lloyd Wilkerson, North Carolina; H. Wallace Reid, South Carolina; Grand Commander C. Fred Kleinknecht; William R. Miller, Washington; H. Douglas Lemons, California; (l. to r. standing) Robert F. Hannon, Arizona; Earl K. Dille, Missouri; Paul T. Million Jr., Oklahoma; C. B. Hall, West Virginia; Jack D. Rehberg, Montana; Jack E. Nixson, Wyoming; Dwight A. Hamilton, Colorado; Warren D. Lichty, Nebraska; Dwane F. Treat, Arkansas; William B. Hutcheson, Georgia; John E. Moyers, Kentucky; Ronald A. Seale, Louisiana; Curtis N. Lancaster, Utah; David J. Morgan, Deputy, Nevada; Bernard E. Rothman, Maryland; and Thomas C. Raum Jr., Kansas.

Ill. Bernard E. Rothman, S.G.I.G. In Maryland, 50-Year Mason
On March 6, 1997, over 300 guests gathered at the Baltimore Scottish Rite Temple to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Masonic service of Ill. Bernard E. Rothman, 33rd Degree, M.W.P.G.M. and S.G.I.G. in Maryland.

Ill. Rothman received his Master Mason Degree on February 27, 1947, in Amicable Lodge No. 25 in Baltimore. In 1949, after military service and establishing an optometry practice in Silver Spring, he became a member of Cornerstone Lodge No. 224 which had just been instituted. He served as Charter Junior Warden, Senior Warden, Worshipful Master, Treasurer and Secretary.

Participating in the celebration of 50 years of Masonic service by Illustrious Bernard E. Rothman, 33, S.G.I.G. in Maryland (right), were, among many others, Grand Commander C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33, and M.W. John C. Naquin, 32, K.C.C.H., Grand Master of Masons in Maryland.

From that point, he was swept into the Maryland Masonic mainstream, serving in Grand Lodge positions of leadership and responsibility capped by being elected as M.W. Grand Master of Masons in Maryland, 1980 to 1982.

Ill. Rothman has been elected to Honorary, Dual, and Plural memberships in 11 Maryland Lodges and in one District of Columbia Lodge. He is also an Honorary Member of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Maryland and St. Elmo’s Commandery No. 12, K.T. He served as Grand Chaplain of the Grand Chapter of R.&S.M. of Maryland and is a member of James F. Allen R.A.C. No. 33 and King Solomon’s Council No. 13, R.&S.M. as well as an Honorary Member of the International Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay.

A past Director of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association, Ill. Rothman holds memberships in the Shrine, York Rite, National Sojourners, Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Order of the Eastern Star, the Mystic Order of the Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, various Square Clubs, and other Masonic Bodies.

Among his many awards, Ill. Rothman received the Henry Price Medal presented by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts and the Cryptic Mason of the Year Award presented by the International Grand Council, R.&S.M. Also, he was awarded the Order of DeMolay Legion of Honor Honorary and named to the Honorary Order of Kentucky Colonels by the Governor of Kentucky. He also received two Resolutions from the Senate of the State of Maryland and a citation from the Governor of Maryland.

On May 27, 1948, he petitioned the Scottish Rite Bodies of Baltimore, Maryland. For his dedication to the community, charity and the Craft, he was invested a K.C.C.H. in 1981 and coroneted a 33rd Degree I.G.H. in 1989. He was appointed a Deputy of The Supreme Council for Maryland on January 4, 1991, and elected S.G.I.G. in Maryland on October 18, 1989.

“The Tribute to Loyalty and Longevity” on March 6, 1997, began with the opening of Amicable Lodge No. 25 in the auditorium of the Baltimore Scottish Rite Temple by W.M. Steven H. Winer, 32, who then received and extended Grand Honors to Hon. John C. Naquin, 32, K.C.C.H., Grand Master of Masons in Maryland. M.W. Naquin then greeted and extended Grand Honors to the 11 Past Grand Masters present including 8 from Maryland: Ill. Roy H. Stetler Jr., 33; Ill. William M. Koenig, 33; Ill. Bernard E. Rothman, 33, Ill. Harvey T. Hopkins, 33, Ill. B. Hope Harrison, 33, Ill. John M. Smith Jr., 33, Hon. William M. Clark Jr., 32, K.C.C.H.; and Hon. Stephen J. Ponzillo Jr., 32, K.C.C.H. Three Past Grand Masters from other jurisdictions were also extended honors. They were: Ill. Bros. Richard E. Fletcher, Vermont; John E. Moyer, S.G. I.G. in Kentucky; and William O. Wyndham, 33, West Virginia.

Following the closing of the Lodge, the ladies and guests were invited into the auditorium to the accompaniment of organ music played by Ill. Charles A. Haslup, 33. Hon. Murray K. Lilley, 32, K.C.C.H., acting as Master of Ceremonies, introduced Grand Master Naquin who recognized the Grand Line Officers, Past Grand Masters, and distinguished guests including: Ill. Bros. C. Fred Kleinknecht, Sovereign Grand Commander; David Kruger, Grand Secretary General of The Supreme Council and S.G.I.G. in Virginia; W. Gene Sizemore, G.C., Grand Executive Director; John W. Boettjer, G.C., Managing Editor, Scottish Rite Journal; C. B. Hall, S.G.I.G. in West Virginia; John E. Moyer, M.W.P.G.M. and S.G.I.G. in Kentucky, and others previously introduced in the tiled Lodge. Present also were Ill. S. Brent Morris, 33, former Book Review Editor, Scottish Rite Journal; and representatives from Scottish Rite Bodies, York Rite Bodies, including their Grand Bodies, the Shrine, and other Masonic organizations.

The Grand Master, assisted by the W.M. and Grand Inspector Douglas A. Lauf Jr., 32, then presented service emblems, caps, and certificates to the following four members of Amicable Lodge No. 25: Bro. Samuel Rosenstock, age 96, for 70 years service; Bros. Morris Grossman, Frank Mazer and Irving M. Berman for 50 years service.

Then, with the assistance of the W.M. of Cornerstone Lodge, Bro. Terence J. Hooper, 32, and Grand Inspector William L. Coldiron, 32, the Grand Master presented a 50-year service emblem, cap, and certificate to Ill. Rothman. The Master of Ceremonies then called upon 11 speakers wishing to extend congratulations to Ill. Rothman. Including family members, friends, and representatives of Masonic Bodies, woman’s groups and youth organizations, they were: Ms. Jan Rothman; Bro. Norman Zipper, 32; Bro. Raymond V. Merkle, 32, Potentate of Boumi Temple; Bro. Raoul Frevel, 32, K.C. C.H., Executive for DeMolay in Maryland and Grand Marshall of the Imperial Shrine; Ill. Richard Fletcher, 33, Executive Secretary of the Masonic Service Association of North America; Ms. Susan Glasgow, Executive Director of the Hearing and Speech Agency; Beatrice Z. Smith, President of the Scottish Rite Woman’s Club; Hon. Stephen J. Ponzillo Jr., 32, K.C.C.H., who responded for the Past Grand Masters; Bro. Seymour H. Lipshitz, 32, K.C.C.H., Secretary of Cornerstone Lodge No. 224 and Administrative Assistant to the S.G.I.G. of Maryland; and Bro. Leon Citrenbaum, 32, representing the Grottoes.

Ill. Rothman’s dynamic way of life was typified by his daughter, Jan, who remarked that her father was truly a man who always knew best and whose dedication to a great variety of worthy causes and organizations was an inspiration to her and her two sisters.

Grand Commander C. Fred Kleinknecht then rose to express his congratulations for the loyalty and support received from Ill. Rothman, and he extended his remarks to include Ill. Rothman’s wife, Elaine. He then presented Ill. Rothman with a beautiful crystal vase, properly inscribed, cautioning him to always keep it filled with flowers for his beloved wife. Grand Master Naquin gave his remarks and called upon Ill. Rothman who expressed his deep thanks to all his treasured friends who made this a joyous and unforgettable occasion.

The festive program concluded with a benediction after which all were invited to enjoy delicious refreshments in the refectory of the Baltimore Scottish Rite Temple.

Special thanks to Seymour H. Lipshitz, 32, K.C.C.H., for preparing the above article.

7th Clinic Opens In Florida
On January 8, 1997, the Brethren of Jacksonville, Florida, saw a long-pursued goal come true, the formal initiation of the seventh Scottish Rite Childhood Language Disorders Clinic in Florida. On that day, a signed Professional Services Agreement (contract) was mutually exchanged by officials of the Baptist Health System Foundation, Inc., representing the Baptist Medical Center in Jacksonville, Florida, and by representatives of the Scottish Rite Foundation of Florida, U.S.A., Inc. As the photograph (below) capturing that ceremony was taken, a child at the clinic was already benefiting from therapy under Scottish Rite sponsorship, and four more were waiting for evaluation before beginning treatment.

Participating in the formal establishment of the seventh Scottish Rite Childhood Language Disorders Clinic in Florida (l. to r.) are: Ms. Suzanne Taylor, Vice President of the Baptist Health Systems Foundation, Inc.; Ill. C. J. Kicklighter, 33, Personal Representative in Jacksonville of Ill. Robert L. Goldsmith, 33, S.G.I.G. in Florida; Mr. Hugh Jones, President of the Baptist Health System Foundation; Ill. Leslie H. Scott Jr., 33, Second Vice-President and Trustee for the Scottish Rite Foundation of Florida, U.S.A., Inc.; and Brother William Ferrell, 32, K.C.C.H., Chairman of the Fundraising Committee for the Valley of Jacksonville.

The clinic, located at the Baptist Medical Center in Jacksonville, will be a coordinated effort of the Nemours Children’s Clinic and the Wolfson Children’s Hospital but under the control of the Baptist Medical Center. Treatment and services will be provided as required for children over age three with language disorders. When federal or state funds are insufficient or lacking, The Scottish Rite Foundation of Florida, U.S.A., Inc, will provide the financial support for these services. The Jacksonville Clinic is 200 miles from its nearest counterpart in Tampa and will serve all of Northeast Florida.

There are thousands of children in that area who need therapy but have “fallen through the cracks” while waiting for financial assistance. In their support of the new Jacksonville Clinic, representatives of The Scottish Rite Foundation of Florida (pictured on page 37) formally established the seventh Scottish Rite Childhood Language Disorders Clinic in Florida.

21st Century Scholars
Illustrious Stephen J. Trachtenberg, 33, President of The George Washington University (GW) in our nation’s capital, is, like so many Masonic leaders, working to bring the Fraternity and the University he leads into the 21st century as vital institutions. Toward this end, President Trachtenberg has published several articles in the Scottish Rite Journal, spoken to many Masonic groups and, among other measures, created outstanding academic programs at GW oriented specifically toward creating a better future for America.

One notable example is The George Washington University’s 21st Century Scholars Program. Established in 1988, this program provides full, four-year scholarships worth over $100,000 each to academically talented District of Columbia public school graduates. So far, GW has graduated eleven 21st Century Scholars, and during 1996-97, 8 seniors, 8 juniors, 4 sophomores, and 5 freshmen are enrolled at GW as 21st Century Scholars. Over the past two years, this program, when combined with other DC-oriented programs at GW, has provided three times as much financial assistance to D.C. public school students as any other college or university in the country!

Congratulations, Illustrious Bro. Trachtenberg, on this fine example of institutional and Masonic support of America’s public schools!

Inspector Bailin Honored
Each year, the Sioux Empire United Way of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, honors special individuals and their companies who have made outstanding contributions to their community. Typical categories are Volunteer of the Year, Heart Club Philanthropist Award, and Volunteer Business of the Year.

Ill. Marvin K. Bailin, 33, S.G.I.G. in South Dakota and Grand Standard Bearer of The Supreme Council, was among the five 1996- 1997 awardees pictured in a February 4, 1997, feature of the Sioux Falls Argus Leader newspaper.

Inspector Bailin received the David S. Birkeland Memorial Award given to the business or professional leader who most exemplifies positive community involvement. Congratulations, Illustrious Bailin, for receiving this deserved recognition which honors both your personal dedication and Freemasonry’s mission of service to society.

Disbursement To Clinics
On March 18, 1997, Grand Commander C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33, was very pleased to forward a contribution of $5,000 to the local Scottish Rite Foundations in the 36 Orients participating in the Scottish Rite Childhood Language Disorders Program.

Funding for this $180,000 disbursement comes from the Scottish Rite Foundation, S.J. (income from the bequests of Ill. William M. Hollis, 33, Past S.G.I.G. in Florida; Ill. Harold F. Stoll, 33, faithful member in the Valley of Washington, DC, and Bro. Paul Chaucer, 32, faithful member in the Valley of Ft. Worth, Texas) and from The Supreme Council’s Language Disorders Special Fund (proceeds from the SCOTTISH RITE VISA Credit Card Program and other fundraising activities).

In a letter accompanying the disbursement, Grand Commander Kleinknecht thanked all concerned for their “continued good work in helping America’s Children!”

The September 1995 Scottish Rite Journal article titled “Rosslyn Chapel, A Symphony in Stone” was misidentified regarding its authorship. The actual author was Dr. Tim Wallace-Murphy, Ph.D., of Devon, England. Also, photo credits for the article should have been made to Mike Green. We regret these inadvertent errors and any embarrassment they may have caused Dr. Wallace-Murphy or Mr. Green.

Gary Leazer Receives Master Mason Degree
Gary Leazer, a former Home Mission Board official who led a 1992-93 study of Freemasonry by the Southern Baptist Convention, was raised a Master Mason on February 8, 1997, in Clarkston Lodge No. 492, Clarkston, Georgia. The date is significant to Bro. Leazer in that on the same day in 1993 he defended his study of Freemasonry before the Home Mission which at that time accepted the study. Later, as anti-Masonic pressure forced substantive changes to the text, Dr. Leazer, claiming the report was no longer objective, removed his name from the study. Finally, he was forced to resign from the Home Mission Board.

Since then, Dr. Leazer has founded the Center for Interfaith Studies, Inc., spoken widely to religious and Masonic groups (such as to various Grand Lodges and to the 1994 and 1996 Scottish Rite Leadership Conferences), and served as a Chaplain during the Olympic Games. A six-page “Masonic Report” supplement is a regular feature of the Center for Interfaith Studies newsletter. For more information and subscription rates for this excellent publication, call 770-979-1687 or write: CIS, P.O. Box 870523, Stone Mountain, GA 30087-0014.

Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan Offered
On March 5, 1997, as unanimously approved by the Committee on Finance and the Advisory Council of Elective Officers of The Supreme Council, 33, Grand Commander C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33, announced a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan which will be offered as a service to members of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, and their spouses.

Underwritten by Life Investors Group, a financially top-rated insurance company specializing in medi-gap insurance for national membership organizations, the plan is designed to help members fill the gaps in their regular Medicare coverage. Life Investors is rated “A+ Superior” by the AM Best Company and “AAA Superior” by Standard and Poors for financial claims paying ability.

In the near future, members turning age 65 will automatically receive an enrollment kit describing this new Scottish Rite service program. Also, those now 65 and older will receive information on this plan.

Supreme Council Assists Innovative School In Panama
On February 25, 1997, Illustrious Arthur J. Kerr, 33, Deputy of The Supreme Council in the Panama Canal, evidenced the Scottish Rite’s tradition of support for education by presenting on behalf of The Supreme Council, 33, S.J., USA, a generous check to the Escuela Experimental of Panama City, Panama. At the invitation of Mrs. Leyda Bedoya, President of the Escuela Experimental School Association, Deputy Kerr attended the first PTA meeting of the school year for the purpose of making a formal presentation and describing our Order’s major philanthropy, 122 Childhood Language Disorders Clinics, Centers, or Programs across the Southern Jurisdiction.

Relief For Tornado/Flood Victims
To assist the unfortunate victims of 14 tornadoes in Arkansas and disastrous storms and floods in Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia, would you kindly send donations from Almoner’s funds, Valley funds, and/or personal funds to the Scottish Rite Foundation, SJ, USA, Inc. All donations will be forwarded, on a proportional basis, to the Active Members in those Orients where the need is greatest.

In Arkansas, Inspector Dwane F. Treat, 33, reports that 14 tornadoes struck in 5 hours, from southwest to northwest, packing destructive winds of up to 260 m.p.h., causing 400+ injuries and 25 deaths.

In Kentucky, Inspector John E. Moyers, 33, reports 11” of rain in 24 hours, producing the worst flooding in over 30 years and causing 17 deaths. Already, 40,000 homes are flooded, with losses of $65 million in the Louisville area-over $232 million in the Commonwealth-and the Ohio River is expected to crest a second time at 15’ above flood stage.

In West Virginia, Inspector C. B. Hall, 33, reports 7” of rainfall in three days, forcing thousands from their homes; closing some schools; with 15 counties being declared as disaster areas.

In Tennessee, Inspector Joseph O. Martin Jr., 33, reports devastating damages from a week of storms and the overflowing of the Cumberland and Red Rivers, with the worst damage in the middle and western part of the state.

A donation of any size would help these unfortunate victims during recovery efforts. With the approval of its Trustees, The Supreme Council has forwarded $5,000 for this purpose from the Scottish Rite Foundation, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Inc.

Davidson Family Provides West Texas Grant
The Scottish Rite Learning Center of West Texas recently received a $100,00 grant from the C. J. Davidson family to establish the C. J. Davidson Memorial Lecture Series: Advances in Literacy.

The first lecture for the free series was held on April 11, 1997, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm in the Scottish Rite Auditorium, 602 Ave. Q in Lubbock, Texas. The premier C. J. Davidson Memorial Lecture was given by Dr. G. Reid Lyon, Chief, Learning Disabilities, Cognitive, and Social Development Branch, The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

The address by Dr. Lyon, “Progress and Promise in Reading Disabilities,” provided an overview of current research in reading disabilities with an emphasis on studies addressing language underpinnings, developmental courses, and the effectiveness of teaching intervention methods.

An afternoon session featured Ann Sanders, M.Ed., Curriculum Coordinator and Instructor for the Learning Therapist Program, Southern Methodist University, and Avril Greenberg, B.A., Past President, Academic Language Therapist Association, speaking on “Sounds, Symbols, & Semantics: Balancing Language Components for Reading Instruction.”

For information on upcoming lectures in this series, please call the Scottish Rite Learning Center of West Texas (806) 765-9150.

A Dream Come True For Brethren In Idaho
Recently, a dream came true for the Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, Valley of the Scottish Rite. Since the chartering of the Valley in 1901, its Brethren have held their meetings and conducted Scottish Rite Degree work in various Lodges throughout the area. Over the years, the Valley grew to 530 members, and the Brethren came to want a place to call our own.

This dream started to come to fruition in November 1992 when a land search committee was formed. Eventually, 2.9 acres were purchased in the city of Hayden, Idaho. In 1994, the same committee went through many plans and many meetings before finally hiring an architect to develop the current design which consists of 5,400 square feet divided between a Lodge room, dining room, kitchen, conference room, office, and several storage areas. Beautiful furniture and an altar were purchased from the Valley of Northeast Kansas.

At the Spring 1996 Reunion, 22 candidates from the Coeur d’Alene Valley and 15 courtesy candidates from other Valleys took the Scottish Rite Degrees, and on May 9-10, the 1997 Spring Reunion will include the building’s formal dedication and the symbolic placing of its cornerstone. It will be a momentous day for Freemasonry and, in particular, for all Scottish Rite Brethren in northern Idaho.

Schindel Foundation Grant
The Scottish Rite Language Clinic of Twin Falls, Idaho, was very pleased in the summer of 1996 when it received $1,500 from the Schindel Foundation to help support its integrated multi-disciplinary assessment program. This program enables a child to have up to six different assessments-psychological, academic, speech and language, pediatric and social work- which are integrated by having the individual professionals meet together to develop a joint diagnosis and recommendations. Of the programs the Clinic offers, this is the most needed, but most expensive. The assessment program fits well with The Schindel Foundation’s main purpose which is to care for and rehabilitate children and young people. The clinic is appreciative and happy to work in partnership with the Foundation to carry out its purpose.

Texas Grand Lodge Celebrates 280th Anniversary
M.W. Joseph W. Regian, 33, Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Texas, has announced the availability of several commemorative items to celebrate the 280th anniversary of the first Grand Lodge meeting in Texas. Among the commemoratives are a limited edition plate, Royal Doulton ornament, and two collector’s belt buckles. For more informaton, write: Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas, c/o William H. Hale, P.O. Box 222137, Dallas, TX 75222.

Television Forum Films Allied Masonic Degrees Conference
On February 21, 1997, during the Allied Masonic Degrees Conference in Washington, DC, the Masonic Television Forum filmed segments for its cable TV and Lodge program video series. Bro. Ernie Lissabet, 32, (left) moderated the discussion for Capstone Productions, Inc. Here he is seen interviewing Ill. Richard H. Curtis, 33, (center) Editor of The Northern Light magazine, the official publication of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and Ill. John W. Boettjer, 33, G.C., Managing Editor of the Scottish Rite Journal. The series of four VHS videotapes per year presents a varied mix of news and special features in each 30-minute program. Series subscribers also receive, at no extra charge, a 3/4" videotape of each program for public broadcasting as well as a seven-minute VHS videotape on how to get this series and other Masonic videos on local cable access channels. Such exposure delivers Masonry’s message to a mass audience. For more information about this excellent series contact: Capstone Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 4575, Gaithersburg MD 20885 Tel. 301-948-1468

Scottish Rite Internet Site A Hit
Visit the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, Internet site. Thousands have. To be precise, there have been 220,929 individual accesses or “hits” by Brethren and others logging on to since The Supreme Council, 33, established its presence on the Internet in August 1996. (See p. 49.) That’s over 12,000 contacts on average each week-and the number is growing day by day as more and more Brethren hear about and visit this outstanding Masonic web site.

And it keeps improving! In addition to electronic issues of the Scottish Rite Journal, there is a full-color virtual tour of the House of the Temple, the ability to e-mail individual Supreme Council departments, electronic versions of Scottish Rite publications such as “What’s a Mason?” and Albert Pike, The Man Beyond the Monument, and a current directory of all Scottish Rite Clinics, Centers, and Programs.

New features are added almost every month, so log on. You’ll be pleased you did and proud of how well your fraternity is moving along this high-tech highway of information and communication.

Ill. Charles R. Richey, 33, Grand Cross, 1923-1997
“As a public advocate of our Craft, my good friend and neighbor, Chuck Richey, heard Masonry’s strong voice of reason and responded to its inspiration with his own unparalleled defense of the Fraternity. He explained Freemasonry to the general public in terms that were clear, understandable, and principled. In my experience, a man did not, and could not, speak with such passion and commitment without first feeling these ideas in his heart. Given these facts, it was entirely appropriate that he earned Scottish Rite Freemasonry’s 33 from both the Northern and Southern Jurisdictions, an accomplishment few men have ever attained.” In these words from his memorial service tribute to Ill. Charles R. Richey, 33, Grand Cross, Grand Commander C. Fred Kleinknecht remembered this great man and patriot. Judge Richey passed away in Washington, DC, on March 19, 1997, after a long and outstanding career on the bench as a U.S. District Judge for the District of Columbia, a position to which he was appointed by President Richard M. Nixon in 1971.

Judge Richey was born on October 16, 1923, in Logan County, Ohio, and received his B.A. from Ohio Wesleyan University and LL.B. and honorary LL.D. from Case Western Reserve University School of Law. In 1994, the latter conferred its Law School Medal on Judge Richey for his “accomplishments in law and his varied and long career of outstanding public service.” In addition to his distinguished service on the bench, Judge Richey taught at American University, National Judicial College, and Georgetown University of Law. He also published many definitive works on such subjects as prisoner litigation, employment discrimination, crimes of violence, and modern management techniques for trial courts. At the same time he participated in many judicial, civic, charitable, educational, and youth endeavors such as Boys Club of Greater Washington, Potomac Conservation Foundation, and Sidwell Friends School.

Raised a Mason in Hiram Lodge No. 18, Delaware, Ohio, Bro. Richey was a member of the Columbus, Ohio, Scottish Rite Bodies, attaining the rank of 33 I.G.H. in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction before affiliating as a dual member with the Washington, DC, Scottish Rite Bodies and receiving the Southern Jurisdiction’s highest honor, the Grand Cross, in 1993. Brethren throughout the Scottish Rite mourn the loss of this great and good Brother who lived the lessons of Freemasonry every day of his personal and professional life.