First Ever Statewide Scottish Rite Reunion In Louisiana
The high school auditorium in Marksville, Louisiana,
was the choice for the first ever Statewide Scottish Rite Reunion for Louisiana
on April 26, 1997.
The five Scottish Rite Valleys under the direction of Ill. Ronald A. Seale, 33, Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Louisiana, paid tribute to the Blue Lodge Secretaries and to M.W. Roy B. Tuck Jr., 32, K.C. C.H., Grand Master, Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana. A total of 340 Master Masons received the Scottish Rite Degrees. Ill. J. W. Fagan, 33, Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Mississippi and Second Grand Equerry; Ill. Dwane F. Treat, 33, Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Arkansas; and Ill. Robert L. Spangler, 33, Secretary of the Valley of Little Rock, Arkansas, were honored guests at the reunion.
five Shrine Temples had a short-form ceremonial for induction of 297 candidates
who joined the Shrine.
Among the 340 candidates (right) in the very successful
1997 Statewide Spring Reunion of the Orient of Louisiana were (front row,
center, l. to r.) Ill. J. W. Fagan, 33, S.G.I.G. in Mississippi and Second
Grand Equerry; Ill. Ronald A. Seale, 33, S.G. I.G. in Louisiana; Ill. Dwane
F. Treat, 33, S.G. I.G. in Arkansas; and M.W. Roy B. Tuck Jr., 32, K.C.C.H.,
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the state of Louisiana.
New Stamp Available
U.S. Post Office recently issued a Helping Children Learn (#44214)
commemorative stamp (shown at right). Panes of 20 self-adhesive 32-cent
stamps are available for $6.40 each from your local post office. Using
these stamps whenever possible on correspondence from your Valley or Scottish
Rite Clinic, Center, or Program would emphasize our Order’s main philanthropy
and its service to America’s children.
On February 18, 1997, in releasing the stamp, Postmaster General Marvin Runyon, commenting on the Helping Children Learn design, said: “Across the nation, hundreds of organizations and thousands of volunteers are mobilizing to meet the nation’s educational goals. The Helping Children Learn stamp symbolizes that commitment and depicts the basic building block for achieving it--the dedication of individual Americans who care enough to give the gift of learning to their families and fellow citizens.”
The stamp’s issuance coincides with the 100th anniversary of the National PTA, the oldest and largest volunteer association in the United States working exclusively on behalf of children. The Helping Children Learn stamp’s clear tie to our Order’s volunteer service to America’s children by means of the Scottish Rite’s nationwide network of Children’s Language Disorders Clinics, Centers, and Programs is a very fortunate coincidence and a not-to-be-missed opportunity to raise the public profile of the Scottish Rite’s flagship philanthropy.
Please order your stamps today!
Lodge Salutes Armed Forces
At their May 16, 1997, Stated Meeting, Dale City Lodge
No. 319, Dale City, Virginia, kicked off Armed Forces Day in style. All
officers’ stations were filled with uniformed personnel, representing all
five branches of the U.S. Armed Forces. Many other Master Masons attended
in uniform as well, including Armed Forces personnel, police, and firemen.
After opening the Lodge, the American Flag was presented by P.M. Earl E. Covey, 32, a retired Marine and member of the National Sojourners, who also provided the Toast to the Flag. Special guest speaker for the evening was Rear Admiral William G. Sizemore, USN (Ret.), 33, G.C., Grand Executive Director of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction. His salute to those who serve in the Armed Forces and their spouses was warmly received. At the closing of the Lodge, everyone sang “God Bless America” and “America The Beautiful,” then joined in brotherhood in the Lodge ‘canteen’ for some traditional military fare including Navy bean soup served by volunteers from the International Orders of Job’s Daughters and DeMolay.
City Lodge, No. 319, stationed officers for its special “Salute to the
Military Night” on May 16, 1997. Front row (l. to r.) are: CDR Mark Swaney,
USN, Andrew Jackson Lodge No. 120; CWO3 Ronald W. Dews, 32, USA (Ret.)
Dale City Lodge; SN Scott Swift, USN, Dale City Lodge; and SFC Thomas Sessions,
USA (Ret.) Occoquan Lodge No. 310. Back row (l. to r.) are: MSGT Glenn
Smith, USAF (Ret.) Dale City Lodge; PO1 Kenneth Bishop, USN, P.M. Dale
City Lodge; GYSGT Earl Covey, USMC (Ret.) P.M. John A. Lejeune Lodge No.
350; RADM W. Gene Sizemore, USN (Ret.), 33, Grand Cross, Grand Executive
Director, P. M. Cherrydale Lodge No. 42; CWO3 Nolan Akau, USCG, W.M. Dale
City Lodge; LCDR Ed Swift, USCG, Dale City Lodge; MCPO Romeo Acquines,
USN (Ret.) Dale City Lodge; MAJ David Burket, USA (Ret.) P.M. Dale City
Lodge; and GYSGT Thomas Neal, USMC, John A. Lejeune Lodge.
New Sovereign Grand Master In Denmark
On May 3, 1997, in Copenhagen, Denmark, the installation
of M.W. Borge Clausen as Sovereign Grand Master of The Danish Order of
Freemasons-Grand Lodge of Denmark was attended by 720 Masons. Most of the
attendees were from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland. Other countries
represented were England, France, Germany, Spain, and the United States
of America. Sovereign Grand Commander C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33, attended,
accompanied by Illustrious Sam E. Hilburn, S.G.I.G. in Texas, Grand Treasurer
General of The Supreme Council and also Grand Representative for Denmark
near our Supreme Council. Sovereign Grand Master Borge Clausen heads the
Scottish Rite in Denmark. Therefore, both Grand Masters of Grand Lodges
and Grand Commanders of the Scottish Rite were extended invitations, and
they or their representatives were equally honored throughout the official
The four-hour installation ceremony was performed with the utmost pomp and solemnity. Nearly all the 720 Freemasons present were dressed in top hat and full regalia. Each individual, including all guests and representatives, marched in his assigned place of honor in the procession as the ceremony moved from one auditorium to another within the Danish Freemasons Hall.
The installation was performed in the Swedish language, and although obviously not understood by some in attendance, this in no way detracted from the impressiveness of the occasion. Music was used appropriately throughout the installation ceremony, with additional performances by the Danish Choir of Freemasons.
It was an outstanding ceremony, and the Scottish Rite
Brethren of the Southern Jurisdiction extend best wishes to Sovereign Grand
Master Borge Clausen as he leads the Freemasons of Denmark in the coming
Masonic Festivities In Turkey
The first international celebration of Masonry to be
held in public in Turkey occurred March 14-15, 1997, at the city of Marmaris
nestled in the southern part of the country known as the Turkish Riviera.
M.W. Tunc Timurkan, Grand Master of Turkey, authorized this first-ever
public showing of Masons. Marmaris Lodge No. 134, celebrating its first
anniversary, was the host and arranged all the events.
Festivities included a tiled Lodge which initiated two new Brothers on March 14th. Then on March 15, the Grand Master and his Officers laid the cornerstone of the new Lodge building in Marmaris. That afternoon, with Brothers and their ladies present, Masonic festivities continued in the ballroom of the posh Mares Hotel. Both this beautiful event and that evening’s formal affair were exceptionally enjoyable and historic.
the notable Brethren attending the recent Masonic festivities in Marmaris,
Turkey were (l. to r.): M.W. Tunc Timurkan, Grand Master, Grand Lodge of
Turkey; President Kenan Evren, Republic of Turkey; and Illustrious Robert
W. Woodward, 33, Deputy, NATO Scottish Rite Bodies.
For the first time in Turkish history, the President of Turkey attended a Masonic event. In 1980, President Kenan Evren closed Freemasonry in Turkey; however, President Evren made the following state- ment during the March 15 festivities: “I am quite sure I was informed incorrectly about Freemasonry [in 1980]. But this was not my fault. Now I am here proudly among you.... I support you!”
Over 750 Brothers and their ladies attended this fine banquet which raised $20,000 for the benefit of children who are handicapped and those with cancer. President Evren is an accomplished artist, and the auction of one of his oil paintings was the highlight of the fundraising aspect of the evening.
Ill. Robert W. Woodward, 33, Deputy to the Supreme Council, Orient of NATO Bases, represented Ill. C. Fred Kleinknecht, Sovereign Grand Commander, S.J. of the U.S.A. Deputy Woodward made a wonderful speech concerning the universality of Freemasonry, and he was presented a gift to be conveyed to the President of the United States. Later, this gift was delivered through the appropriate channels to The White House in Washington, DC.
Notable dignitaries at this important event included the
Grand Master of Turkey; M.W. Can Arpac, P.G.M.; M.W. Dr. Necdet Egeran,
P.G.M.; V.M. Tuncey Kesim, D.G.M.; Metin Cangor, Master of Marmaris Lodge
No. 134; Masters of 36 Lodges in Turkey, Masters of Lodges in Germany,
and Ill. Dr. William T. Anton, 33, Special Representative to the Deputy,
Orient of NATO Bases, and Past S.G.W. of the American Canadian Grand Lodge.
Ill. Bro. Anton traveled from Washington, DC, to Turkey for this important
European Grand Commanders Meet In Vienna, Austria
The 41st Conference of European Sovereign Grand Commanders
was held in Vienna, Austria, May 7-10, 1997. Sixty participants from 24
countries were in attendance. Twenty-one current Sovereign Grand Commanders
were present as heads of their respective delegations. A delegation could
consist of a maximum of two delegates having the rank of Sovereign Grand
Inspector General, 33, in addition to the delegation head, plus observers
without limit, who likewise must be a Sovereign Grand Inspector General,
33. Countries represented were Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia,
Czech Republic, England and Wales, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran in Exile,
Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Philippines, Portugal,
Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, and the U.S.A., both Southern and
Northern Masonic Jurisdictions. Attending from the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction
were Ill. Bros. Robert O. Ralston, Sovereign Grand Commander; Sidney R.
Baxter; John W. McNaughton; and Thurman C. Pace. Attending from the Southern
Jurisdiction were Ill. Bros. C. Fred Kleinknecht, Sovereign Grand Commander;
David Kruger, Grand Secretary General and S.G.I.G. in Virginia; H. Wallace
Reid, Grand Minister of State and S.G.I.G. in South Carolina; Robert W.
Woodward, Deputy, Scottish Rite Bodies, NATO Bases; and Sam E. Hilburn,
Grand Treasurer General and S.G.I.G. in Texas.
The conference was presided over by Ill. Peter Osterreicher, 33, Sovereign Grand Commander of Austria. The theme of the conference, “Freedom Without Violence in the Third Millennium,” was addressed by papers from 18 different countries. The official language of the conference was English. Grand Commander Kleinknecht’s paper, which will be featured as an article in the September 1997 Scottish Rite Journal, addressed the subject of violence in four different categories: disagreement between men or nations, greed, intolerance, and ignorance.
In part, Grand Commander Kleinknecht said: “Clearly, violence can be constrained in only one of two ways: it can be opposed and controlled by greater force, or it can be lessened and often overcome by a deeper understanding of ourselves, our natures, our strengths, and our weaknesses--by lessons, that is to say, offered by the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry to all its members and, through them, to others. If we learn and teach the great lessons of toleration, human dignity, the right to freedom and the love of the beautiful and true, then we will lessen the violence and ease the suffering it causes.”
A relaxed atmosphere prevailed throughout the conference.
Discussion regarding the place of the 1998 conference resulted in the decision
for the conference to be held in Paris, May 13-17, 1998. It was decided
that both English and French would be the conference languages. The conference
was closed with the chain of union. Agreement prevailed that the mission
of Masonry in the Third Millennium was in the striving for freedom for
all mankind and peace throughout the world.
Museum Opens In Los Angeles
On May 16, 1997, a gala opening was held to dedicate
the Rhodes Hervey Gallery located in the Museum and Library of Beverly
Hills Masonic Hall (Beverly Hills Lodge No. 528) at 289 Robertson Boulevard
in Beverly Hills. This historic and beautifully renovated Lodge was the
Masonic home of such famous film stars as Bros. Clark Gable and Douglas
Fairbanks Sr.
It displays Masonic memorabilia from many Hollywood celebrities, all of whom were members of the Valley of Los Angeles. In addition, there are superb collections of donated artifacts from throughout the world, in particular Masonic documents from the Middle East.
The reception for the gala opening was held in the Harold Lloyd Room which also serves as the Lodge’s foyer. It contains many valuable aprons, sashes, and fabrics from the Museum’s textile collection, including a 125-year-old Masonic tablecloth of exceptional craftsmanship and beauty.
the recent gala opening of the Rhodes Hervey Gallery in Beverly Hills,
California, were (l. to r.) Bro. Sean N. Foran, 32, K.C.C.H., Curator,
and Ill. R. Stephen Doan, 33, Personal Representative, Los Angeles, California.
The Gallery is named after Ill. Rhodes Hervey, 33, Past Grand Master of Masons of California and Venerable Master of the Los Angeles Scottish Rite for 39 years. He was also S.G.I.G. in California at the time of his death, 1953. The Gallery’s present exhibit, titled “Voices from the Past,” focuses on the early years of Scottish Rite Masonry in Los Angeles, from 1885 to 1935. On display are programs, invitations, bulletins, and biographical sketches of the men who built Los Angeles at the turn of the century. The Gallery also has early-day documents, photographs, letters, jewels, and gavels which could not be viewed previously by the public because of space limitations. In addition, important displays from the Library--rare newspapers and collections of weaponry, currency, and unusual Masonic stamps--will be available for viewing in September when a 3,600 square foot gallery located on the first floor is opened.
The Los Angeles Scottish Rite Museum and Library, Inc.,
is a tax-exempt charitable public benefit corporation and is committed
to the mission of collecting, studying, and preserving the Masonic heritage
and to fulfilling its role as a center for the dissemination of correct
Masonic information to both members of the Fraternity and to the general
public. When in Los Angeles, a visit to this fine facility is a must! For
more information, contact Bro. Sean N. Foran, 32, K.C.C.H., Curator, at
Alabama Wins Recognition
While the purpose of the Scottish Rite is service, not
recognition, it is reassuring when our Order’s efforts are acknowledged.
Recently, for example, the good work of the Scottish Rite Foundation of
Alabama was praised by several public officials.
The State Superintendent of Education, Ed Richardson, wrote thank-ing the Scottish Rite for its support of the Teacher of the Year Program and for our Order’s continued effort to better education in Alabama. Similarly, Barbara Fannin, Coordinator of the State Teacher of the Year Program, thanked the Brethren for “the continued support of such terrific sponsors” as the Scottish Rite Foundation.
Also, Dr. Kelly Ryan, State Chairperson, Teacher Hall of Fame, writing from the office of the Dean, College of Education and Professional Studies, Jacksonville State University, expressed gratitude for the Foundation’s “presentation of savings bonds and certificates as integral to the success of the program. Thank you for continuing this tradition. The participation of the Scottish Rite Foundation in honoring our nominees is greatly appreciated.”
Commenting on these letters in a memo to all Valley Secretaries in Alabama, Ill. Karl F. Reed II, 33, S.G.I.G. in Alabama, declared: “We all owe Chairman Bill Dendy, 33, (Huntsville) and his committee--Ray Melton, 32, K.C.C.H., (Birmingham), Jerome Richardson, 33, (Dothan), Frank Schneider, 33, (Mobile), and Billy Scott, 33, (Montgomery)--a debt of gratitude for their work on the Foundation’s behalf. This is the kind of publicity that will give Freemasonry a place of honor and respect in the community.”
Congratulations, Brethren, on a job well done!
Ill. Walter E. Boomer, 33, Leads Rogers Corporation
March 31, 1997, Ill. Walter E. Boomer, 33 (right), became President of
Rogers Corporation which is headquartered in Rogers, Connecticut. In addition
to serving as a member of the Rogers Corporation’s Board of Directors,
U.S. Marine Corps General Boomer will continue as a member of the Board
of Directors of Baxter International, Inc. The Rogers Corporation manufactures
and markets specialty materials and components worldwide for applications
in communications, computer, imaging, consumer and transportation markets.
In 1996, combined sales were $174 million.
Most recently, Ill. Boomer was President of Babcock and Wilcox Power Generation Group, and before that he served as Senior Vice President of McDermott International, Inc. Prior to the latter position, Ill. Boomer had a distinguished career with the U.S. Marine Corps from which he retired in 1994 after having served as Vice Commandant, the second highest position in the Corps. During his tenure, his assignments included Commanding General of all Marine forces in Desert Storm, two tours in Vietnam, Commanding General in charge of Marine Corps research, development, education and training, Chairman of the Department of Management at the U.S. Naval Academy, and Director of Marine Corps Public Affairs.
Bro. Boomer is a member of Temple-Noyes-Cathedral Lodge
No. 32, Washington, DC, and the Scottish Rite Bodies of the District of
Columbia. For his many services to Freemasonry and the Rite he was invested
a K.C.C.H. and elected a 33 I.G.H. Ill. Boomer was a speaker at the 1994
Scottish Rite Leadership Conferences and has had several articles published
in the
Scottish Rite Journal.
Gift Of Life Masonic Blood Drive Honored In Texas
BloodCare of Dallas honored the “Gift of Life” Masonic Blood Drive Committee
for overseeing and directing the various Masonic blood drives across the
state of Texas that benefit the three Masonic hospitals in the Lone Star
State--Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children (TSRHC) in Dallas, Shriners
Orthopaedic Hospital for Children in Houston, and Shriners Burns Institute
in Galveston. Representing the Brethren who donated blood, the committee
was honored for achieving first place in the Community/Civic Award donor
category for collecting the highest number of units of any other community
or civic group for the 1996-1997 campaign. Pictured above at the award
ceremony (l. to r.) are “Gift of Life” Masonic Blood Drive Committee members:
Ill. David B. Dibrell, 33; R. Keith Hitt, 32, outreach coordinator for
TSRHC; Carl E. Jones, 32; Jenny Nelson, donor recruiter for BloodCare;
Allen H. Tuell, 32, K.C.C.H., state donor drive coordinator; Harmon C.
Goode, 33; and Larry V. Hall, 32, K.C.C.H.
Veterans Install Ill. Alexander Loo, 33, As President
September 11, 1996, at the 98th Annual Convention in Memphis, Tennessee,
of the Sons of Spanish-American War Vets, Ill. Alexander Loo, 33, Valley
of Augusta, Georgia, was installed as the organization’s National President.
Ill. Loo (left in photo) is also a York Rite K.Y.C.H.
and holds memberships in Red Cross of Constantine, Royal Order of Scotland,
Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Khorasson Grotto, National Sojourners, Inc., York
Rite College, Knights Masons, Alee Shrine Temple, Allied Masonic Degree
Council, Georgia College of S.R.I.C.F., White Shrine of Jerusalem, and
is currently Prior of Georgia Priory No. 39. Ill. Loo is also a Past Supreme
Royal Patron of the Order of the Amaranth.
In Memoriam
Ill. Arthur A. Hedges, 33, 1908-1997
than a month after celebrating his 89th birthday, Ill. Arthur Allen Hedges,
33, Past Deputy, Orient of Alaska, passed away on June 9, 1997, in Juneau,
Alaska. Deputy Hedges was born on May 29, 1908, in Cleveland, Ohio, graduated
from the College of Puget Sound at Tacoma, Washington, in 1929, and moved
to Alaska in 1934. After a successful career as Office Manager and Treasurer
of Lyle’s Hardware & Furniture, Ill. Hedges became Director of the
Alaska Employment Service and was in charge of the Employment Security
[Social Security] Commission of Alaska. This position carried him to nearly
every part of the “Last Frontier State,” and in every locale he visited,
Ill. Hedges worked tirelessly for Masonry, DeMolay, and the Scottish Rite.
After being raised a Master Mason in Mt. Juneau Lodge No. 147 in 1947, he served his Brethren as Master. He also received the Scottish Rite Degrees in 1947 and became very active in the Juneau Bodies serving as Venerable Master in 1950 and 1951, Wise Master in 1952, and Master of Kadosh in 1955 and 1956. Additionally, he served as Treasurer of the Juneau Bodies for many years and was a key member of a four-man Traveling Scottish Rite Degree Team, assisting in Reunions in all the 11 communities where our Order then held classes in Alaska. Ill. Hedges had an in-depth understanding of the Degrees, and was widely admired for his own performance in nearly every Masonic Ritual. Bro. Hedges was also an active member of Nile Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S., and Juneau Chapter No. 7, Order of Eastern Star.
Ill. Hedges was honored with the rank of K.C.C.H. in 1951 and I.G.H. in 1958. In 1963, upon the death of Deputy Howard D. Stabler, 33, Ill. Hedges was appointed Deputy in Alaska by Grand Commander Luther A. Smith, 33, and he served until 1973 when he retired to live in Hawaii. Due to declining health in recent years, he returned to Juneau.
Brethren who wish to honor this illustrious Freemason and outstanding American may make memorial donations to the charity of their choice or to the Alaska Childhood Language Disorders Foundation.