Masonic Visitation In Russia
On June 11, 1997, Ill. Robert W. Woodward, 33,
Deputy, NATO Scottish Rite Bodies, traveled to Moscow for a Masonic
visitation and to share in formal celebrations of the growth of
Freemasonry in Russia. He was accompanied from Brussels, Belgium,
by Ill. Mario M. Guia, 33, Grand Secretary General, Supreme Council
for Portugal, and member of the Grande Loja Legal de Portugal
(GLRP). Arriving at the airport in Moscow, they were met by M.W.
George Dergatchev, Grand Master, and Vladimir Djanguirian, Grand
Secretary, Grand Lodge of Russia, who graciously hosted a tour
of the city before delivering Ill. Bros. Woodward and Guia to
the Renaissance Hotel, headquarters for the upcoming events.
That evening, a Special Communication of Aurora Lodge No. 5, an English-speaking Lodge in the City of Moscow, was held to welcome the visiting Brethren. Present at the impressive ceremony were Earle J. Hino Jr., Grand Master, and Gary A. Henningsen, P.G.M. and Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New York, the first American Grand Lodge to recognize the Grand Lodge of Russia. After Lodge, Sovereign Grand Commander Henri Baranger and other Brethren from France shared a delicious dinner honoring the international Masonic dignitaries visiting Moscow.
From June
11-15, 1997, Brethren representing International Freemasonry met
in Russia to observe the opening of the Third Annual Assembly
of the Grand Lodge of Russia and the Second Assembly of the Supreme
Council for Russia. Among the Masonic dignitaries attending were
(l. to r. above): Mario M. Guia, 33, Grand Secretary General,
Supreme Council for Portugal; Ill. George Dergatchev, 33, Lt.
Grand Commander, Supreme Council for Russia; Ill. Victor Kuznetsov,
33, Sovereign Grand Commander, Supreme Council for Russia; Ill.
Robert W. Woodward, 33, Deputy, NATO Scottish Rite Bodies; Dr.
William T. Anton, 33, Special Representative of the Deputy, NATO
Bodies; and Ill. Henri Baranger, 33, Sovereign Grand Commander,
Supreme Council for France.
The following morning, June 12, Deputy Woodward attended a Special Communication of Harmony Lodge No. l (Orient of Moscow) and Renaissance Lodge No. 116 of Nice, France. That afternoon, Ill. Woodward, along with Dr. William T. Anton, 33, Special Representative of the Deputy, NATO Bodies, and Bro. Robert G. Watkins Jr., 32, acting as a translator, joined Ill. Brothers Guia, representing the Grand Lodge and Supreme Council for Portugal; Claude Mallo, representing the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of France; Sovereign Grand Commander Henri Baranger, 33, and Minister of State Roland Briens, representing the Supreme Council for France; Metin Cangor, Halit Narin, and Yehbi Yazici, representing the Grand Lodge of Turkey; and two representatives from the Grand Lodge of New York for the opening of the Third Annual Assembly of the Grand Lodge of Russia.
That evening, the delegates and their ladies attended a reception hosted by the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Russia and a dinner at the Knights Hall of the Central Palace of the Soviet Army.
On June 13, Deputy Woodward joined a few invitees during a meeting at the Grand Lodge office to discuss international Freemasonry, and for the rest of the day, the delegates savored Russian culture via visits to Red Square and Lenins tomb, a stop at the famous Gum Department Store and, that evening, a performance of the famous Bolshoy Ballet Company.
The next morning, June 14, Deputy Woodward attended the Installation of the Saint Petersburg Lodge of Perfection whose members had traveled to Moscow for the event. That afternoon, all participants attended a very impressive ceremony of the opening of the Second Assembly of the Supreme Council for Russia. Among the nearly 100 attendees were 15 Scottish Rite Brethren from Nice and other members of the Supreme Council for France. That Supreme Council was credited during the ceremonies with having established the Supreme Council for Russia, and our Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction, for being the first Supreme Council to recognize the new Supreme Council. Also, our Supreme Council was acknowledged for its continuing support of Masonic activities in Russia. That evening, a festive reception and dinner in the Tashkent Room of the Renaissance Hotel honored the Ladies.
On Sunday morning, June 15, members of the French delegation left Moscow, cordially embracing the other delegates and guests in a show of Masonic friendship. Later that morning, Deputy Woodward attended meetings with Russian Grand Lodge and Supreme Council officials.
On Monday, June 16, following a farewell luncheon
with Russian Grand Lodge and Supreme Council officials, Ill. Bros.
Guia and Woodward were escorted to the airport by Grand Master
Dergatchev. As a result of this very successful Masonic visitation,
international support for Freemasonry in Russia is stronger than
ever. With this encouragement, the Brethren in Russia are moving
forward to return Russian Masonry to the place of eminence it
held prior to the Bolshevik revolution of 1917.
Tour To Scotland
Over 100 Masons, including myself and my wife,
joined Ill. Marvin E. Fowler, 33, G.C. (see following Current
Interest item), on a Royal Order of Scotland tour this past
July. The purpose of this article is not to boost the Royal Order
of Scotland tour, though it is worthy of praise. Rather, I wish
to give a personal testimony of how great it is to tour Masonic
sites, specifically Scotland, around the world.
Our tour began with a day of sightseeing in Glasgow, Scotlands largest city. On our bus were Masons from nearly every state, and our one common interest, Freemasonry, drew us close together. It was enlightening to talk with so many Brothers who have strong positive feelings toward the Masonic Craft.
From Glasgow, we went to Loch Lomond, Lock Ness, Inverness, Aberdeen, St. Andrews, Dundee, and into Edinburgh where we spent four days in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Masonic tradition overflowed everywhere. The entire city is constructed of either granite or sandstone. We speculative Masons never stopped marveling at the work of our operative mason ancestors.
The Royal Order of Scotland is unique in that it is, to the best of my knowledge, the only Masonic Body whose top official inherits his title. The Grand Master of the Royal Order is, in theory, the King of Scotland, but, in practice, the head of the Order is the Deputy Grand Master, the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, who acts as Governor of the Order and inherited his title from his father. The Masonic Brethren on the tour attended a meeting on July 4 of the Royal Order after which we were joined by our ladies for a dinner with the Earl of Elgin.
In attendance were many Brethren, some of them Provincial Grand Masters of the Royal Order of Scotland, from Australia, Africa, Europe, South America, and the United States. It was a most cordial event and a living demonstration of the universality of Freemasonry.
Then we visited Cannongate-Kilwinning Lodge, said to be the oldest active Lodge in the world, and Rosslyn Chapel which has a long Masonic tradition linking it to the Knights Templar. Then, it was back to Edinburgh to have afternoon tea with the Earl of Elgin at his home. He is a most delightful gentleman with a fine sense of humor. Hanging on the walls of his home are family portraits going back as far as Robert the Bruce, his ancestor.
Unfortunately, our visit came to a close all too quickly. The friendships we developed in eight short days with our traveling companions, along with the joy of experiencing ancient Masonry and the beauty of Scotland, will be long remembered as one of the highlights of my Masonic life.
David C. Ferguson, 32, K.C.C.H.
Sheridan, WY, Scottish Rite Bodies
Marvin E. Fowler, 33, Grand Cross, Retires
Illustrious Marvin E. Fowler, 33, G.C., will retire
as Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of the
Royal Order of Scotland for the United States of America on October
8, 1997, at the organizations annual meeting in Washington,
DC. He has held that position for 44 years, considerably longer
than any of his predecessors, the first one having been Albert
Pike, 33, who served from 1878 until his death in 1891.
E. Fowler, 33, G.C., sitting in the Masters chair of Cannongate-Kilwinning
Lodge, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 5, 1997
As a prelude to his retirement, Ill. Fowler arranged for American members and their families to attend the annual meeting and banquet of the parent organization in Edinburgh on July 4, 1997, and for a week-long tour around Scotland. (See p. 34) About 100 persons accompanied Brother Marvin on this occasion. While there, the group was invited to the estate of the Earl of Elgin and Kincardin, the Governor of the Royal Order of Scotland, for high tea. They also had a conducted tour of the oldest existent Lodge hall in the world, that of Cannongate-Kilwinning in Edinburgh. The hall is now owned by the Royal Order of Scotland.
Ill. Fowler has had an exemplary career in Masonry. In the District of Columbia, he served as Grand Master of Masons in 1950 and, thereafter, as Grand High Priest, Grand Illustrious Master, and Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery. Many years later, he was elected Grand Master of the Grand Encampment, Knights Templar of the United States of America, and for many years has served as the chairman of the Allied Masonic Degrees which meet every February in Washington, DC. Over the years, he has been the presiding officer of many other Masonic Bodies, both local and national, including all four coordinate Bodies of the Scottish Rite in Washington, DC, early in his career. In 1943, he was coroneted an Inspector General Honorary, 33, and in 1993 was presented the Grand Cross by The Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite. He has received many other high Masonic honors.
The office of Master of the Royal Secret, 32, is normally a prerequisite in the United States for membership in the Royal Order of Scotland, and it has been the custom that the Provincial Grand Master in the United States alternate between 32 Scottish Rite Masons in the Northern and Southern Jurisdictions. Since Ill. Marvin is a member of the Southern Jurisdiction, his successor will be from the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite. Starting October 8, 1997, the Provincial Grand Master in the United States will be Ill. Edward H. Fowler Jr., 33, Past Grand Master in Pennsylvania, who has served for three years as Deputy Provincial Grand Master. Ill. Bro. Edward H. Fowler Jr. is no relation to Ill. Bro. Marvin E. Fowler.
The Deputy Grand Master and Governor of the Mother Grand Lodge of the Royal Order of Scotland in Edinburgh is the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, as noted above, and Lord Elgin expects to attend the October 8 meeting of the District of Columbias Provincial Grand Lodge at the local Scottish Rite Temple in Washington, DC, as well as the annual banquet to be held in the Capital Hilton Hotel.
The Royal Order of Scotland is deeply indebted
to Ill. Bro. Marvin for his dedicated service over these 44 years.
During that time he has built up the membership of the Order in
the United States to more than 8,000, about half of all the members
in the world, and has increased the Orders investments many
times over.
Iowa Foundation Benefits Scottish Rite Clinics
A contingent of Iowa Scottish Rite Masons and
their wives visited the University of Iowa on June 30 to see the
operation of two Scottish Rite Clinics there.
First, the group visited the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center which is the site of the Iowa Scottish Rite Diagnostic Center. The Summer Residency Program for children with communication disorders was in session with 27 students in attendance. This year is the 51st year for the Summer Program. During the orientation, Jessie White, recent high school graduate and a former alumnus of the Summer Residency Program in 1988, spoke to the group. He had a stuttering problem previously. His flawless presentation of three lengthy poems was evidence of his remarkable recovery, and he has recently won honors in competition with students who have never had speech problems.
The Scottish Rite members and ladies then moved to the Neurology Department at the University Hospitals which is the site of the Iowa Scottish Rite Masonic Alzheimers Clinic. Dr. Antonio R. Damasio, recognized authority on brain disorders and the Director of the Scottish Rite Clinic, spoke to the group and answered questions. He emphasized the two-pronged approach to Alzheimers Disease explaining that the ongoing search for causes and a cure is accompanied by orientation and education for family members and caregivers of Alzheimers patients.
Illustrious Harry S. Barrows, 33, S.G.I.G.
in Iowa, made presentations to both Scottish Rite Clinics amounting
to $72,000. At the close of the day, the group visited the University
President, Dr. Mary Sue Coleman, and enjoyed light refreshments
in her office. Dr. Coleman complimented Scottish Rite members
for their support of both programs.
Dr. James H. Stewart Jr., 33, Honored In
Fort Worth, Texas
In a special ceremony on May 18, 1997, in Fort
Worth, the Hon. Kenneth Barr, Mayor of Fort Worth, paid tribute
to Dr. James H. Stewart Jr., 33, Superintendent of the Masonic
Home and School of Texas in Fort Worth. Mayor Barr declared May
18 Dr. James H. Stewart Jr. Day in Fort Worth and
honored Dr. Stewart as the first recipient of the Senior Citizen
Services Hall of Fame Award, a unique distinction recognizing
individuals for unparalleled community service and stewardship.
Dr. Stewarts portrait will remain on permanent display at
Senior Citizen Services of Greater Tarrant County to honor him
as well as future recipients of the Hall of Fame Award.
Dr. James
H. Stewart Jr., 33
A Past Master of Granbury Lodge No. 392, Granbury, Texas, and affiliated Past Master of Panther Lodge No. 1183 in Fort Worth, Ill. Stewart has served as Venerable Master of the Fort Worth Scottish Rite Lodge of Perfection. Professionally, Dr. Stewart has devoted himself for 43 years to education, serving as instructor and administrator from public school districts to major universities. In 1972, he was named first President of the University of Texas at Tyler, and after nearly a decade in office, he returned to Fort Worth in his current position at the Masonic School and Home. He also successfully completed a six-year tenure on the Senior Citizens Services Board of Directors of Greater Tarrant County and presently serves as a board member of the First United Methodist Church of Fort Worth as well as a member of the Board of Directors, Davidson Family Charitable Foundation of Midland, Texas.
Ill. Stewart has a long career in Masonry including
leadership roles meriting awards in the York Rite, Shrine, Order
of the Red Cross of Constantine, DeMolay and Scottish Rite, serving
the latter as Vice President of the Fort Worth Scottish Rite Foundation.
Thank you, Ill. Stewart, for such an outstanding record of service
to community and Masonry and congratulations on being honored
as the first recipient of the Senior Citizen Services Hall of
Fame Award.
Scottish Rite Theatre Exhibit Continues
For Brethren who missed the opening of this fine
exhibit in Minneapolis October 6, 1996-January 5, 1997, and its
stay at The Kent University Museum, February 5-June 15, 1997,
in Kent, Ohio, there are three more opportunities to visit Theatre
of the Fraternity, Staging the Ritual Space of the Scottish Rite
of Freemasonry, 1896-1929. This wonderfully rich display
of Masonic theatrical costumes and paraphernalia continues at
the Museum of Our National Heritage, July 27, 1997 to February
1, 1998, in Lexington, Massachusetts, and then moves to the University
Art Museum, California State University, Long Beach, California,
March 10-April 26, 1998, and to the Plains Art Museum, Fargo,
North Dakota, June 4-September 6, 1998.
Dont miss these opportunities to see
a portion of our rich Scottish Rite and American Masonic history
brought to life!
Ill. Sutherlin Installed President Of National
Sojourners, Inc.
Brother Benjamin T. Sutherlin was installed as
National President of National Sojourners, Inc., on 28 June, 1997,
in Denver, Colorado.
He served in the Iowa National Guard and U.S. Naval Reserve prior to entering Naval Flight Training and received his Navy Wings of Gold and Ensign Commission in 1952. He flew Panther jet fighters on a combat tour in Korea from the aircraft carrier USS Princeton and later served as air intelligence Officer on the USS Shangri-La; with Fighter Squadron 103 flying the Crusader jet fighter aboard the USS Forrestal; and as Air Boss on the USS Ranger. His duties ashore include instrument ground and flight instructor; General Line School; Staff, Office of Chief of Naval Operations; Commanding Officer, Advanced Flight Training Squadron 25; Team Chief, Joint Chiefs of Staff National Military Command Center; Staff, Defense Intelligence Agency; Defense and Naval Attache to Australia; and NROTC Commanding Officer and Professor of Naval Science, University of Southern California. His awards include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, six Air Medals, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, and two Navy Commendations with Combat V.
After retiring from the Navy in 1982, Brother Sutherlin accepted his commission as Colonel in the California State Military Reserve and was promoted to Brigadier General in 1987. He served as Commander 3rd Aviation Group; Commander Southern Area Command; and Deputy Commander CA State Headquarters.
Bro. Sutherlin became a DeMolay in 1946 and
served as Master Counselor. He holds a Chevalier Degree and is
a Charter Life Member of the Alumni Association. He was raised
in Clinton Lodge No. 15 in Fairfield, Iowa, in 1953, and is a
dual member of A.M. Daylight Lodge No. 625, Anaheim, California.
He is a member of the York Rite, Scottish Rite, and Shrine Bodies
and is a coroneted 33 Inspector General Honorary. He became a
member of National Sojourners, Inc., in Monterey Bay Chapter No.
136 in 1955 and a Hero of 76 in 1956.
Freedoms Foundation Seminar
The Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge again
held an outstanding Graduate Seminar for Teachers, July 27-August
1, 1997, with 66 in attendance from 34 states. Ten Scottish Rite
Orients (California, Florida, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada,
North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, West Virginia, and Wyoming)
cosponsored, with The Supreme Council, 23 teachers.
Dr. Lon Weber, 33, Senior Vice President for Education at Freedoms Foundation, indicated that this years seminar, The Constitution and Bill of Rights in the New Millennium, was outstanding. Among the seminars highlights were lectures by Pulitzer Prize winning faculty from Emory University as well as several prominent scholars from the University of Virginia and other leading institutions of higher learning.
Ill. Weber hopes the 1998 Freedoms Foundation
Summer Seminar, with increased Valley involvement, can be designed
exclusively for sponsorship by the Scottish Rite. The participating
teachers asked Ill. Weber to convey their appreciation to all
Scottish Rite Masons for the assistance and financial support
extended to them by the Order.
Illustrious Brother Sidney R. Baxter, 33,
To Retire
At the Annual Meeting of the Supreme Council for
the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction in September 1997, Sovereign
Grand Commander Robert O. Ralston, 33, announced the retirement
of Ill. Sidney R. Baxter, 33, as his administrative assistant.
During his 47 years of full-time employment, Ill. Brother Baxter has served under the administration of six Grand Commanders. His faithful and dedicated service to the Northern Supreme Council was recognized two years ago when he became the first recipient of the new Medal of Honor presented by the Northern Jurisdiction.
Two years
ago, Grand Commander Robert O. Ralston, 33 (right in photo), recognized
Illustrious Sidney R. Baxters dedicated service to the Northern
Supreme Council by making him the first recipient of the new Medal
of Honor presented by the Northern Jurisdiction.
In 1995, he retired as an Active Member of the Supreme Council at the mandatory age of 75, and was renamed an Active Emeritus Member, but he agreed to continue in his capacity as administrative assistant.
His 22 years as an Active Member hardly compares to his 47 years of devotion to the Supreme Council, said Grand Commander Ralston. Sidneys tremendous wealth of know-ledge about the Supreme Council operations is unparalleled.
Two areas that have been particularly close to his heart are international relations and the Northern Jurisdiction charities. He is known throughout the Scottish Rite world for his understanding of other Supreme Councils. He edited the third and fourth editions of A Register of Supreme Councils, Active and Extinct, a project originated by the late George Draffen of Newington, 33, Lt. Grand Commander of the Supreme Council for Scotland. He also edited the International Bulletin during the 1970s.
Brother Sidneys wife, Mona, is the daughter of the late Abraham Mora, 33, a Past Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council for Columbia.