of the Double-Headed Eagle and A Life of Albert Pike
milestone books are available from The University of Arkansas Press for
$48.00 each, plus shipping and handling. The Scottish Rite Research Society,
however, has purchased a number of both books at below the publisher’s
retail price and can offer them for $35.00 each to non-members of the Society.
In addition, dues-current Scottish Rite Research Society mem-bers are offered
these books at the special price of $28.00 each, both for $56.00. Shipping
and hand-ling are included in all orders. Send checks payable to Scottish
Rite Research Society to: Ray Bunnell, Treasurer, Scottish Rite Research
Society, 1733 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009-3103.
To Join The Society and be eligible for the members-only price for either or both books, send an additional check for $20.00 for 1998 mem-bership (which began September 15, 1997). In addition, to the special price of $28.00 for the history by Fox or biography by Brown, you will receive a complimentary copy of Masonic Philanthropies, A Tradition of Caring (second, expanded, and updated 1997 edition) by Dr. S. Brent Morris, 33. In addition, you will receive the Society’s quarterly news-letter, The Plumbline, and for those joining between September 15, 1997, and December 31, 1997, a hardbound copy of Heredom, Vol. VI, the 1997 Transactions of the Society, consisting of leading-edge research articles by members of the Society. Volume VI will be available in late fall 1998. Those joining after January 1, 1998, will receive Vol. VII of Heredom which will be available late fall 1999. Membership in the Scottish Rite Research Society is the best bargain in Freemasonry today. Join and become part of American Freemasonry’s fastest growing research society!