Patient Artwork Adorns Dallas Cowboys Season Tickets
of the 11 Dallas Cowboys 1997 season tickets featured artwork created by
patients at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children (TSRHC). Patients
were encouraged to submit drawings that represented their vision of the
Dallas Cowboys.
Eighty of the 250 entries received by the Dallas Cowboys were designed by TSRHC patients and five out of those 80 were selected to adorn tickets. Peggy Black, TSRHC public relations, says “The response from our patients was truly incredible. The children whose artwork was selected have remarkable artistic talent.”
The five patients whose drawings are depicted on the home game tickets (see inside front cover) all received a Dallas Cowboy souvenir for entering the contest and each artist could bring bring two guests to the game their ticket design represents.
Game five’s ticket by Garrett A. Van Allen, age 9, from Mesquite, Texas, features a cowboy whose body is fashioned from numerous footballs. Morgan Davenport, age 9, from Garland, Texas, entered game seven’s design of a cheerleader pyramid. A portrait by Andy Rogers, age 17, from Grand Prairie, Texas, spotlights Dallas Cowboys quarterback Troy Aikman and was selected appropriately as the design for home game eight. Thomas Lamb, age 15, from Murchison, Texas, combined popular symbols associated with the Cowboys, such as the American Flag, the Super Bowl trophy, the National Football League Logo, and the Nike™ swoosh for the game ten ticket design. The last home game season ticket, featuring a cheerleader on the sidelines chanting “Go Cowboys!” was drawn by Erin Nobles, age 13, from Abilene, Texas. Not only were the drawings featured on the tickets, but the winning designs were on display at the Dallas Cowboys training facility and Texas Stadium throughout the 1997 season.
Thomas Lamb learned of the contest while at the hospital checking on how his broken arm was healing. Lamb entered two drawings on the last day of the contest. He drew one design with his favorite player, running back Emmitt Smith. According to his mother, Candy, “He was finishing the second design in the car on the way to the hospital.” His second color-pencil drawing was selected. Erin Nobles also found out about the contest during a visit to the hospital. Nobles sketched her entry in pencil at the hospital the day before she had surgery to correct scoliosis. She added color with crayons on the day of her surgery.
As a guest of the Cowboys, each winner was honored on
the field during a pre-game ceremony. For participating in the art competition,
each of the six pediatric hospitals, representing Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston,
and San Antonio, received a contribution from the Dallas Cowboys Community
Foundation. During the 1997 season, contribution boxes were placed by concession
stands at Texas Stadium so that fans had an opportunity to join the effort
by donating money to the cause.
Grand Commander Offers Fund-Raising Challenge
On January 27, 1998, Grand Commander C. Fred Kleinknecht,
33, sent the following memo to all Active Members and Deputies of Orients
participating in the Childhood Language Disorders Program. Are you equal
to the challenge? For more information or to contribute to this good cause,
please contact the Secretary of your Valley.
“Effective February 1, 1998, I am offering a special promotional pledge of $5,000 from the Scottish Rite Foundation, U.S.A., Inc. or the Language Disorders Special Fund to Orients where matching funds are raised by April 30, 1998. Checks will be issued as soon as word is received that this pledge has been matched or exceeded.
I have every confidence in your fund-raising skills and hope that this challenge will generate an enthusiastic response of cash and pledges from Masons and non-Masons alike in support of Scottish Rite Clinics, Centers, and Programs throughout the Scottish Rite’s Southern Jurisdiction. During three Masonic Visitations in the final quarter of 1997, Brethren in three Orients met my challenge to match funds. A recent update from one of the Orients indicates that the Brethren responded by tripling the match of my pledge.
I challenge you to use your good fund-raising skills to
match or exceed my pledge of $5,000 for the special benefit of Scottish
Rite Clinics, Centers, and Programs in each Orient.”
Twin Falls, Idaho, Clinic Receives Community Grants
Scottish Rite Learning Center in Twin Falls, Idaho, was the recipient of
$15,962 in grant monies for the 1996-97 grant year. Grants came in varying
amounts and were from a number of sources. In the photograph below, Jackie
Howell and Jill Idso, employees of the clinic, react to receipt of a $6,000
grant from the Daugherty Foundation for the newly established Twin Falls
Childhood Learning Endowment Fund. Other grants received were $1,500 from
the Schindel Foundation and $5,000 from the Keveren Trust for general funding,
$2,962 from the Idaho Children’s Trust Fund for parent classes for parents
of children with Attention Deficit Disorders and learning disabilities,
and $500 from the Child’s Trust for services for children who are slow
learners. The Clinic was honored to be the chosen recipient of funds from
so many sources. As this news item demonstrates, there are many opportunities,
if they are sought out, for Scottish Rite Clinics, Centers, and Programs
across the Southern Jurisdiction to involve local charitable, civic, or
other groups or organizations in support of our Order’s main philanthropy.
Boise Program Going Strong
Valley of Boise kicked off its Learning Program in September 1997 by engaging
the services of Bro. Doran L. Parkins, 32, as Program Director. After extensive
research, the Boise Scottish Rite Learning Program Committee found a definite
need by a percentile of elementary school students just above those receiving
Title One or other aids who were literally falling through the cracks in
the system. The Boise Program targets this group of students in order to
provide them with the extra tutoring needed to bring them back into the
mainstream of their classrooms.
Doran L. Parkins, 32
Bro. Parkins has been working with the school system in hiring and training aides who will tutor these students, and ten aides are now working in five schools with approximately 180 children in the Boise area. Students are tested at the beginning of the school year, at midterm, and again at the end of the school year. Thus, the success of the students and this program can be definitely tracked and established. The program’s 1997-98 year budget is $85,000 and is entirely funded by the Boise Scottish Rite.
Midterm test scores are just coming in, and the results
should be successful enough to allow for additional foundation and grant
monies that will, in turn, allow the expansion of the program to more schools
in a wider area. By the end of this school year, some 300 children should
have been served along with the school district personnel involved. The
Boise Scottish Rite Learning Program Committee feels the success of the
program to date is largely due to the expertise and effort of Bro. Parkins
as Program Director.
February Issue Correction
Inadvertently, an important number was misrecorded in
the article “Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due” in the February 1998 issue
of the Journal, page 42. The article reported that $770.00 was the amount
earmarked by the Tokyo Masonic Association for philanthropy in 1997. The
correct amount should have been $770,000.00. We regret this error and again
congratulate the Brethren of the Tokyo Masonic Association for their generous
annual support of a wide variety of important philanthropies in Japan,
U.S., Sri Lanka, Thailand, etc.Program Director.
Rest Stop Program A Success In Orient Of Washington
1997, the Valley of Wenatchee, Orient of Washington, held its annual coffee
rest stop at the Nason Creek Rest Area. In just three days, they collected
over $1200.00 in donations. The proceeds go to the Scottish Rite Center
for Childhood Language Disorders in Wenatchee. The Wenatchee Brethren have
been doing this for about ten years now and have always had great success.
They love to tell about the Scottish Rite’s programs and Masonry in general.
Shown above in a photo taken by their Venerable Master, Steven L. Guffy,
32, are (l. to r. ) Cloe Hudson, Bros. Merton M. Hiatt, 32, Valley Secretary;
Wayne W. Tetherow, 33, Personal Rep. to S.G.I.G. William R. Miller, 33;
Robert E. May, Speech Therapy Program; Edwin D. Foster, 32, Past Venerable
Master; Keith L. Bartram, 32, K.C.C.H., Head of Wenatchee’s Speech Therapy
It Pays To Advertise In Richmond, Virginia
Ill. L. Aubrey Stratton, 33, Personal Representative, Valley of Richmond,
Virginia, reports, the Richmond Brethren believe in advertising their service
to the children of the “Old Dominion” state. The truck used by the Valley’s
caterer (pictured below) carries a Scottish Rite eagle logo, a contact
number, and two texts declaring “Scottish Rite Masons Help Children With
Language Disorders.” The success of this ad and the outreach of the Richmond
Brethren to the local community is proved by the fact that the Scottish
Rite Childhood Language Center at Richmond, Inc., is treating more clients
than ever, has a waiting list, has added both new equipment and personnel
in 1997, and is planning for significant expansion in upcoming years as
the demand for the Center’s services increases. Congratulations to all!
Intensive Stuttering Program
least once a year, the Bill Wilkerson Center in Nashville, Tennessee, which
houses the Scottish Rite Masons Research Institute for Communication Disorders,
runs a two-week Intensive Stuttering Program (ISP) for adolescents and
adults who have a severe fluency disorder. The format for this class was
introduced in Nashville by John McQuain, a Center speech-language pathologist,
who learned the method by studying with Dr. Gavin Andrews in Sidney, Australia.
Recently, a class (pictured right) completed the program, and each participant
shared with an audience of Center staff members his or her success in achieving
“smooth speech.”
Rhonda Costa, for instance, had struggled with her disfluency
for years. She noted, “For a stutterer, every day is a battle. In just
two short weeks what has tortured me for years has taken a dramatic turnaround.
I called my grandmother the other night, and for the first time since either
of us could remember, I had a fluent, clear conversation. My grandmother
kept saying over and over, ‘It’s a miracle!’ Coming to the Bill Wilkerson
Center has helped me realize a life-long dream. Fluency will help me feel
more positive in pursuing my dreams, because dreams do come true--I now
have proof.”
Tucson Center Serving Community
Happy New Year to all! We look forward to an exciting
year at the Center, but first let’s reflect back on 1997, a very busy year
at the Scottish Rite-University of Arizona Child Language Center which:
-Improved young children’s speech and language skills during 720 school-year therapy sessions;
-u Provided daily therapy to 50 children in the classroom and in small groups for 5 weeks during the “Wings on Words” summer camp;
-Completed diagnostic and research testing with 120 children;
-Provided screening and referral information to over 100 families.
The Center and the Brethren of Arizona share pride in
these accomplishments and will continue their commitment to serving the
children of the “Grand Canyon State.”
Kid Talk Van And Booth In Missouri
Thomas P. Serandos, 32; Becky McDermott, Speech Language Pathologist at
the Scottish Rite Clinic for Childhood Language Disorders in St. Louis,
Missouri; student Andy Erickson; volunteer drivers R. Leonard Key, 32,
and John E. Wetzel, 32, K.C.C.H., Valley of St. Louis, pose before one
of two Scottish Rite Kid Talk Program Vans. The mobile clinic program serves
children in St. Louis and eight surrounding communities in Missouri: Louisiana,
Potosi, Farmington, Perryville, Hillsboro, Elsberry Union, Cuba, and Warrenton.
Regularly for three years now, the people of Louisiana, Missouri, and seven other communities surrounding St. Louis have been seeing a white Scottish Rite Mobile Kid Talk Program Van. It stops at local Masonic Lodges, and Becky McDermott, Speech Language Pathologist of the Scottish Rite Clinic for Childhood Language Disorders in St. Louis, sets up shop in a Lodge room to screen local children for language disorders. The screening consists of informal tests to see if the child can be helped by the Missouri Orient’s Childhood Language Disorders Program. If so, the child’s parent is given the necessary forms to fill out for a full scholarship for speech and language therapy. In Louisiana, Missouri, for instance, over 100 children have been screened, the caseload is full, and there is a waiting list. However, there is an opening each Wednesday to determine if other children need help. If so, they are put on the waiting list or referred to another appropriate program. The Kid Talk Van is supported by funds from the local Brethren as well as by individuals, businesses, and foundations in the community. There are two mobile Kid Talk Vans from the St. Louis Clinic serving nine cities each week.
The Scottish Rite’s service to children is also part of
the annual Pike County Hospital Health Fair in Louisiana, Missouri, where
Bro. Thomas P. Serandos, 32, Valley of St. Louis, assisted by other Brethren,
hosts a public information booth. Congratulations to all for bringing our
Order’s message of service to citizens of the “Show Me State.”
Cycle Event Benefits Center In Tucson, Arizona
Jim C. Sandefer, 32, helped organize the Cycle Masters 24-Hour Ride to
benefit the University of Arizona/Scottish Rite Child Language Center in
Tucson, Arizona.
“Good people doing good things.” That’s the Masonic-sounding
motto of the Cycle Masters, a Tucson, Arizona, bicycle sports club. Last
spring, Bro. Jim C. Sandefer, 32, a leading member of the club and a member
of the Valley of Tucson as of December 1997, was central to organizing
a 24-hour ride with proceeds to benefit the University of Arizona/Scottish
Rite Child Language Center in Tucson. On March 9-10, 1997, four Cycle Masters,
including Brother Jim, began the grueling 24-hour ride. They were joined
by a host of other cyclists, runners, and walkers who challenged the 3.2-mile
Saddle Brooke Country Club course for 10 daylight hours. The event was
sponsored by 31 businesses and associations, in addition to many individuals,
who contributed food, drink, and funds. Most shared the thought of Suzie
Matts of the Great Harvest Bread Company: “This sounds like a very worthwhile
event--just tell me how to help.” A bonus to the event for the Center and
the Tucson Scottish Rite was the high profile given to the ride by 92.9
KWFM Radio and Channel 13 KOLD TV. Cyclists rode nearly 2,000 miles and
confirmed the quote of the day: “The thrill of the victory, and the agony
of de seat.”
Masonic Youth At Circus In Albuquerque, New Mexico
Masonic Youth organizations look forward to the annual Shrine Circus coming
to New Mexico. Jobs Daughters, DeMolays, and Rainbow Girls assist the Scottish
Rite/Shrine Masons of Ballut Abyad Temple usher the public to their seats
and see to the needs of the physically disadvantaged. Pictured right holding
court with the white tiger from the George Carden Shrine Circus and members
of Albuquerque’s Masonic youth are Potentate Charles M. Gilliland, 32,
Valley of Santa Fe, and his wife, Wanda.
This Camp Wins Hands Down
Scottish Rite Hospital for Children patient Morgan LePage, age 6, enjoys
finger-painting at Hands Down Camp at Camp John Marc in Meridian, Texas.
Last fall, a group of patients and their families participated in the third annual Hands Down Camp at Camp John Marc in Meridian, Texas. Sponsored by Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children (TSRHC) and underwritten by the Dallas Association of Petroleum Landmen (DAPL), families of patients with hand and upper-limb deficiencies share a weekend filled with laughter, fun, learning, and sharing with other patient families and staff from the hospital’s hand clinic, as well as occupational therapy, orthotics, prosthetics, and psychological counseling. The camp offers other activities such as fishing, wilderness hikes, and a ropes course.
The weekend is designed to help patients, ages 4 to 10,
and their families meet the challenges of everyday life and the transition
from home to school. “It becomes a safe haven to try and experience new
things,” according to Candy Frobish, an occupational therapist at TSRHC.
Thanks to generous support from organizations like DAPL, Texas Scottish
Rite Hospital is able to make Hands Down Camp a memorable tradition for
patients and their families. TSRHC is recognized as one of the nation’s
leading pediatric centers for the orthopedic treatment, related neurological
conditions, and learning disabilities. Supported entirely by voluntary
donations since its founding in 1921, there is no charge for treatment
at the hospital, and more than 12,000 patients are treated annually.
Roping And Riding Make For Happy Trails
Dallas Cowboy Randy White with David Rose Jr., age 15, and his prize saddle
David Rose Jr. loves to rope and ride, especially the thrill of catching a steer’s horns with a carefully aimed throw of his lasso.
Finally, his hard work and practice paid off. Recently, David and his teammate, Jackie Davis, placed first in the “incentive” division of the Frostbite Team Roping finals at Las Colinas Equestrian Center in Dallas, Texas. It was a dream come true.
David, like many 15-year-olds, likes to compete and win. What you can’t tell about this polite, shy teenager is that he has been an active patient at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children since 1983. After years of enduring leg casts and muscle-stretching exercises to correct the effects of cerebral palsy, David has overcome his challenges to compete as a top-notch roper. In fact, at the finals of the Frostbite series, David and his teammate defeated more than 150 competing teams.
David didn’t let his perceived limitations get in the way of achieving his goals. He has been riding for the last seven years and roping competitively for more than a year. Since both of his parents have participated in rodeos, they helped direct his talents to dally roping, an event that wouldn’t be affected by his physical limitations.
“David’s confidence has improved since he’s been competing,” says his mom, Linda Kuykendall. “Dally roping is a team effort that doesn’t require riders to dismount from their horses, and he excels at it. He has a natural talent.” In addition to cash prizes, each winner receives a beautiful hand-tooled saddle to commemorate the achievement. David’s saddle declares him “Header Champion.”
Young David’s character is just as strong as his athletic abilities. Following his win, he donated half of his cash prize to Texas Scottish Rite Hospital in gratitude for the years of support and care it has provided. His generosity prompted others to give. His dally partner donated half of his prize money, too.
Later that evening, the Las Colinas Equestrian Center sponsored a Celebrity Steer Roping Match benefiting TSRHC. Former Dallas Cowboys Walt Garrison and Randy White competed with former Miss Rodeo USAs Debbie Garrison and Pam Minick, raising more than $3,200 for the hospital.
From: TSRH Building Blocks, Fall 1996
Community Outreach In Iowa
American Red Cross is always ‘there to help’ someone else. This time the
Masons were ‘there to help’ the American Red Cross.” Karen Burns, Red Cross
Coordinator, uses these words to describe the offer of the Clinton, Iowa,
Masonic Temple Association to open its doors to the world’s most well-known
disaster relief organization.
Karen Burns, Red Cross Coordinator, congratulates Ill. Jackson M. Thoms, 33, Registrar of the Clinton, Iowa, Consistory and Red Cross Coordinator, on the success of the Clinton Scottish Rite Valley.
This story began with the Clinton Herald’s announcement in 1995 that the Red Cross had lost its blood donor facility at Gateway School and that the organization was searching for a new location in Clinton. Ill. Bros. Paul T. Eastland, 33, and Jackson M. Thoms, 33, Registrar of the Clinton Valley of the Scottish Rite, noticed the newspaper article and agreed that here was an opportunity to “Open the Doors to Freemasonry.”
Their suggestion gained the unanimous support of the Clinton Masonic Temple Association, the Red Cross was notified, and the approval process began. Was the building handicapped accessible? Was there an elevator in the facility? What were the exact dimensions of the space available? When would it be available? Were there sufficient electrical outlets? When the building passed all these requirements, the Clinton Masonic Center became the new home of the Clinton Blood Donor Facility.
Often called the “Jewel in the Crown of Iowa Masonic Temples,” the Clinton Masonic Center now has another title: the “Cadillac of Blood Donor Facilities in the Iowa-Illinois Region.”
On a typical day, there are usually two donors waiting in the reception area, two more being screened, and two actually donating blood. The Clinton facility’s assigned weekly goal calls for 40 pints of blood. That’s 2,080 pints a year! According to Mrs. Burns, that goal is usually met or surpassed. Clearly, this is a wonderful public relations program for Freemasonry and a tremendous display of community outreach by our Craft.
From Illustrious Tom Eggleston, 33
Valley of Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Meeting A Need In Florida
In December 1997, The Scottish Rite Foundation of Florida
increased its annual grant to the Scottish Rite Center for Childhood Language
Disorders at Bay Medical Center in Panama City to $42,000. Because of Scottish
Rite support starting in 1986, the center can offer reduced fees for speech
and language therapy for children affected by communication disorders such
as faulty articulation, cleft palate, language delay, stuttering, and hearing
The Bay Medical Center program soared from serving just 9 children in 1985 (before the grant) to reaching more than 125 children in 1997. Today, because of Scottish Rite support, Bay Medical Center provides infant hearing screening. This program began in 1986 and was the second in the country to offer such screening to all newborns born at the hospital. The Scottish Rite grant also allows the center’s speech-language pathologists to serve 20 Head Start children and to offset the cost of evaluation and therapy by 50% per child for 30 to 40 children yearly.
In the past 12 years, The Scottish Rite Foundation of
Florida has given more than $440,000 to the program at Bay Medical Center.
The Foundation also supports six other programs in Florida.
A Letter Of Thanks From Mobile, Alabama
following is a letter written by Sue Morris, the mother of Holly Morris
(right), a client of the Mobile, Alabama, Scottish Rite Learning Center.
Mrs. Metcalf, to whom the letter is written, is a Reading Specialist at
the Mobile Center.
I will never be able to express my gratitude for all you
have done for Holly. When I think of you, it brings tears to my eyes. Two
years ago, you took a shy little girl who couldn’t read under your wing
and turned her into a little girl who can read anything she wants to. She
came to you scared, reserved, and inhibited. Now she’s proud of herself.
Her self-esteem couldn’t be higher, and we owe all this to you and the
Scottish Rite Brethren of Mobile who fund the center. You have tirelessly
worked with Holly, loved her, and praised her. How do I say thank you to
someone who has given life to my child? I will always be grateful. God
bless you always. Sue
Gifts That Keep On Giving
In 1997, more than 1,000 select donors of the Kansas
Masonic Home Endowment Association benefited the elderly residents of the
S. Allan Daugherty Medical Pavilion of Kansas Masonic Home, Wichita, Kansas,
in a variety of ways. Among these was the purchase of 120 electric beds,
mattresses, bedside tables, and three-drawer chests. But what to do with
the old mechanical beds? Simply dump or scrap them?
The President of the Board of Trustees, Bro. Kenneth L. Caldwell, 32, Valley of Fort Scott, Kansas, had a better idea, the Medical Supplies Network operated by Rotary’s World Community Services Committee. Some beds were given to a mental health facility in Fredonia, Kansas, but the majority will go to a clinic in South Africa and two hospitals in Brazil and Lithuania. The beds will be shipped free through the Pentagon and U.S. State Department. The old-style crank beds are especially helpful in countries where facilities do not have proper power supply to use electric beds.
M.W. William J. Brown, 33, Past Grand Master of Kansas
(1993-94) and General Chairman of the Room Furnishing Appeal of the Home,
summed up the matter: “The opportunity to give the old furniture to other
deserving charities personally reminds me that in modern times charity
actually means caring and giving of our service to the greater community
of man as a whole, not just to our Masonic Brethren and their dependents.”
Big Thanks From A Little Girl
Cayleigh Camille Little will be three years old in April. Through the Texas
Scottish Rite Hospital for Children (TSRHC) in Dallas, each of Cayleigh’s
birthdays is better. She suffers from tight heel cords causing her to walk
on her toes. In 1997, TSRHC fitted her with special corrective shoes at
no cost, and she has experienced marked improvement.
Her parents recently wrote to Ill. James R. Hewlett, 33, Scottish Rite Bodies of Fort Worth, saying: “Words could never express our appreciation for your part in getting Cayleigh into Texas Scottish Rite Hospital. We have been so amazed and touched by all they have done for Cayleigh and us. It is a truly remarkable place!”