Sydney L. DeLove
Is it possible to wave the American flag too much, provided, of course, that you wave it with integrity? Is it possible to study Lincoln or Shakespeare too much? Is it possible to read the Bible too much? The great, the good, the true, are inexhaustible for inspiration, example, and strength.
I believe that we are not waving our flag enough, not nearly enough. It seems to me that we are developing a tendency to be timid or even apologetic about waving the “Stars and Stripes.” Walk up and down the streets on July 4th and count the flags. It is our nation’s birthday, a sacred day in world history, the most important day of America. Why isn’t the flag on every rooftop and from every home and building? This complacent attitude is evidence of a decay of patriotism.
The flag is a symbol of our national unity. It is the spirit of our undying devotion to our country. It stands for the best that is in us -- for loyalty, character, and faith in democracy. Isn’t our flag a synonym of the United States of America? Does it not represent man’s greatest, noblest, most sublime dream? Is it not the zenith of achievement, the goal to which generations have aspired? It is time to stop for a moment, think, arrest our near reverential admiration of material success, and return to the spiritual and ethical values that made America great. Let us imbue and rekindle in ourselves and our children a burning devotion to the principles and ideals upon which our country was founded.
Should not every home own and proudly display the colors on holidays and other such occasions? The great events of our past and present are wrapped up in our flag. It is a symbol of this blessed nation, a giant in industry, education, and commerce.
Our great republic is humankind’s last remaining hope for suffering humanity, a shining beacon of light, noble and glorious, the haven for the oppressed and persecuted, and truly God’s gift to mankind. That is what the flag means to me. Can we wave it too much? I don’t think so.