Robert G. Davis, 33°
Member, Family Life Program Subcommittee
The most important thing most of us will ever do in our lives is be a parent. Whether we realize it or not, the kind of adults our children will become is more determined by our own parenting model than any other influence in their lives. Most of us know from personal experience that parents need all the tools they can get to help them through this most wonderful and challenging time. The Family Life Program Subcommittee of The Supreme Council recognizes one way to serve the membership across the Southern Jurisdiction is to develop and/or locate good models for effective parenting and share them with those Brothers and their wives who are presently engaged in the task. One such program is a parenting kit developed by two of the foremost teachers in this field, Foster W. Cline, M.D. and Benjamin W. Brucker, ED.D. It is called Success in Parenting, A Practical Guide to Parenting. Preview copies of the kit have been sent to all S.G.I.G.s and Deputies. This comprehensive guide is designed specifically for parents, grandparents, and children, to help them build lifelong relationships founded on trust and love. The kit consists of an introductory videotape, 12 audio cassettes containing 20 of the most important lessons in parenting, along with a manual that offers many practical tips for handling the most common situations which parents encounter with their children. Each lesson provides both positive and negative examples of how parents handle challenging situations with their children, along with a discussion by the authors as to why one approach is better than another. The course can be passed among your group of parents/friends and discussed together, using the workbook provided. Or, it can be individually purchased and kept at home as an immediate resource whenever you need to draw on it for help. For more information, you may contact:
Lon Gibby Productions
E. 113 Magnesium
Spokane, Washington 99208
Tel. 18002001113
Fax 15094674763
Robert G. Davis is the Secretary of the Scottish Rite Bodies in Guthrie, Okla. He is Past Master of two Oklahoma Lodges, serves as editor of the Oklahoma Scottish Rite Mason, is actively involved with Masonic education and renewal programs both in Oklahoma and nationally, and presently serves as President of the International Philalethes Society. |