This photo, by Brother Arthur W. Pierson, 32, of the "Key To The Bastille," was presented on the cover of the February Scottish Rite Journal.
We Have The Key
C. Fred Kleinknecht

The Marquis de LaFayette
And Two Keys To The Bastille
Frank R. Dunaway

Gilbert Stuart Painting Of George Washington
Arthur W. Pierson

The Importance Of George Washington
In A Changing World
James C. Rees

Photographing Freemasonry
Arthur W. Pierson

The Story Of Jacques DeMolay, Part II Of III
Timothy H. Darnell

Remember The Maine And The Rough Riders Too
James A. Marples

The Scottish Rite, An Enlightened Experience?
Robert G. Davis

Current Interest

Squaring Off: Our Readers Respond

The In Basket

Brotherhood Month
Sidney S. Guthman

Scottish Rite Dormitory Celebrates 75 Years
Ashley Allcorn

The Acacia Fraternity
William J. Ellenberger

Help For A Child, As Easy As Advocacy
Martha Sibley

Where Do You Do Your Shopping? Part 43
Thomas M. Boles

Book Reviews:
A Preference For Reference
Jim Tresner