A new painting (featured on the cover of the May
issue, pictured below) commissioned by the Grand Lodge of Texas pictures
several Masonic heroes (l. to r.): George Washington, Benjamin Franklin,
Jose Antonio Navarro, William B. Travis, Sam Houston, Lorenzo de Zavala,
Stephen F. Austin, Theodore Roosevelt, Charles Lindbergh, Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Will Rogers, Harry S. Truman, Douglas MacArthur, Norman Vincent Peale,
John “Duke” Wayne, and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin. See article, “Legends of Freemasonry.”
Table of Contents
Taking Heart In America
C. Fred Kleinknecht Legends Of Freemasonry
J. Edgar Hoover, 33, Grand Cross
Today's Dedication, Tomorrow's Success
One-Day Classes, Innovation Or
Freemasonry And An Ethical Society
The Ageless Price Of Freedom
America's Soul, The Tradition Of
Memorial Day
Thank A Vet This Memorial Day Brian J. Duffy It's Just That Simple
Friendly Fire
Be Prepared
What Money Cannot Buy
Warning Signals
Where Do You Do Your Shopping? Part
Book Reviews: The Plot Thickens